Chapter 19: Happy Valentines Day

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You've been living in the Strider household for almost a year now. Everything's been fabulous and you've been treated like a real member of the family. Bro treats you as if you were his son, Dirk treats you as if you were his brother, and Dave treats you as if you were his king. As a matter of fact, Dave even got rid of a bunch of old knickknacks so you could have more space in his room. No, correction: Your room. As in your and Dave's room.
Speaking of Dave's good deeds, you'd completely forgotten to mention everything else he's done for you since you arrived. On your birthday, he threw you a surprise party and invited all your friends. Afterwards, he'd built you a blanket tent and let you pick out a few movies to marathon. For Christmas, he'd made you a whole mixtape of music he'd created just for you. For your one year anniversary, he brought a guitar to school and played Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis. It's your favorite song and you'd cried in front of the whole school.
Valentine's Day was different, however. You're still trying to learn the human holidays, but if your knowledge serves you right, Valentine's Day was on the fourteenth, which was yesterday. Dave had acted as though the holiday never existed. Whether it was because he got sick of you not doing anything for him or because he simply forgot, the two of you didn't celebrate. Lately, you've been worried he's getting bored of you. He's been sort of distant recently. The last thing you want is for him to dump you, so you decided to do something for him.
Dave has been out with a few of his football friends all day, which has given you the perfect opportunity. Of course, it took twenty bucks a piece to get Dirk and Bro out of the house for the night, but it'll be worth it.
Your evening will begin with dinner made by yours truly. It took a bit of reading to figure out how to make it, but you know Dave will love it. You'd made salads to start, then cooked steaks with caramelized onions on top, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob for your meal. For dessert, you've kept it a secret. As a matter of fact, the rest of the evening is a surprise.
Thankfully for you, you've just finished setting the table with your meals when you hear the lock click. You quickly dim the lights and light the candles scattered around the room before sitting in your seat, waiting impatiently as he hangs his coat on the coat rack and kicks off his shoes. When he walks in, calling your name, you can't help but grin as he stops, staring with his jaw dropped at the display before him. "Happy late Valentine's Day, Dave," you grin, speaking in a soft, gentle voice. It's one you keep reserved just for him.
"K...Karkat, you didn't have to do all of this..." He murmurs as he takes it all in. The tone of his voice makes you worry.
"Wh-Why not...?" You frown and look up at him, your voice now down to a whisper. "You're going to break up with me, aren't you...?"
Dave's eyes widen in alarm. "Absolutely not! Oh, fuck. I'm so sorry. Did I give off that impression? Is it because I missed Valentine's Day? I completely forgot about it and I wanted to do something nice for you but-"
"Baby, it's okay." He blinks in shock from the pet name you've only use maybe once and shuts his mouth as you continue, "I just... I get worried, you know? You're such a great guy and... I don't do nearly as much for you as you do for me. It isn't fair and I'm sorry. I'm so relieved to hear that you're not dumping me. Don't apologize, okay?"
He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and sits across from you. "This smells delicious, you know. How did you learn to make this?"
You shrug, picking up your fork and knife and cutting your meat. "I looked up countless videos. I'm sorry if it isn't good. I've never cooked human food before."
Dave waves a hand dismissively, taking a bite of each item. You can tell by the look on his face that he's enjoying it. "Karkles, this is the best meal I think I've ever had."
A smile slowly spreads across your face. "I'm glad."
Dinner passes as quickly as it came. Dave had even tried to help himself to seconds before you stopped him, claiming that he'd need to save room for dessert. "Dessert, huh? What did you make? If it's half as good as dinner, I might die."
You stand and blow out the candles, grabbing the bandana you'd taken from Dave's room earlier. You walk behind him and tie it over his eyes. "It's a surprise." He chuckles and stands, taking your hand as you lead him down the hall to your room. You stop outside your bedroom door and let go of his hands. "When I tell you that you can, I want you to come in and take off your blindfold, okay?"
He salutes. "Yes sir, Mr. Vantas sir."
With a roll of your eyes, you slip into the room and close the door behind you. You grab the lighter you'd left on the nightstand and once again lit the candles you'd bought for this specific occasion. Then, you grab the box of rose peals you'd gotten from the store and scatter them on the floor and bed. Finally, you cautiously strip down to nothing, leaving your clothes in the hamper. You sit on the bed and grab the condom you'd found in the drawer of Dave's nightstand, holding it with your teeth. "You can come in now." You say, clenching your teeth so the condom won't fall out of your mouth as you speak.
You can hear rustling as Dave takes off the blindfold and slowly opens the door, closing it behind him before he turns to face you. As soon as his eyes land on you, you can see him tense and flush, trying not to stare. "I-I thought you said dessert...?"
You clear your throat, taking the condom out of your mouth. "I did. That's uh... That's me."
He opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out at first. "Karkat, are you sure you're ready to do this?"
You nod slowly. "I've been thinking about it for a while and..." You shrug, looking up at him. "I love you. I want you to be my first and only. We've been dating for a little over a year now. You haven't rushed me to do anything and you've always treated me well. I think you've more than earned this. The truth is that I want to be with you for a long time. I want to give myself to you in any and every way possible. If you don't want to then I understand. I just want you to know that I'm ready when you are."
He slowly walks over and sits by your side. "What about my brothers?"
You bite your lip sheepishly. "I paid them $20 each to stay out of the house for tonight."
He chuckles, almost nervously as he stands, beginning to strip. "Well, I'd be honored to be your first and only." Once he's completely rid of his clothes, you lay back so he can crawl over top of you. "And, just so you know, you'll be my first and only, too."
You smile, kissing him deeply and passionately. After a moment, you pull back to breathe, looking up at him and whispering, "I love you."
He smiles back. "I love you, too."


"Where'd you go last night?" Bro asks Dirk the next morning as he unlocks the front door.
"Jake's house. You?" He responds, carefully balancing a cake in his hands.
"Let's not worry about where I went, alright?" He says, pushing the door open for him and brushing off the question. Dirk shoots a skeptical glance up at him but says nothing more as he follows his brother to your and Dave's room. Bro holds out a hand to stop him, cautiously placing his free hand on the doorknob and counting to three before bursting through, both of them simultaneously yelling, "Congrats on the frick!"
The two of you bolt upright, making sure to keep yourselves covered as you groan. "Seriously? What the hell did I pay you two for?"
Bro shrugs with a smirk. "We stayed away as we were told. Now limp your gimpy ass to the kitchen and have some cake to celebrate your victory."
The two of them leave as Dave's eyes light up. "We got cake for having sex?!" He turns to you and grins mischievously. "Guess we're gonna have to be more sexually active then, huh?" You shield your eyes as he grabs his boxers, attempting to put them on as he runs out of the room. "Don't eat it all without me you fat fucks!" You chuckle softly to yourself, taking your time to dress. You love your new family and you love Dave. You wouldn't have it any other way.
Once you finish dressing, you grab your phone, seeing that you have a voicemail from your father. Quirking an eyebrow, you play the voicemail and put the phone up to your ear. "Hey, son! Guess who's getting married?"
Maybe you spoke a little too soon.

~Author's Note~
Hey everyone! So I've been meaning to do this for a while but I've been working on my other stories instead. Basically, I came up with a continuation for this story going back to his blood family. It's essentially just going further into Dave and Karkat's relationship after being together for a year and about how Karkat's family makes an attempt to rebound after his father attempts to remarry. I don't know yet if I'm going to make like a sequel or just continue it here, but let me know I'm the comments. Either way, this story will be continuing for a bit. So yay! Alright I love you all and check out the other stuff I've been working on in the meantime. See you in the next update~!


Karkat Vantas' Stri-Do's and Dont's of Highschool: A Davekat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now