Chapter 4: Cuts and All

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Psychological Experiment

A/N: Disclaimer: I didn't reread nor edit this chapter that much so there might be mistakes '^_^ sorry <3 just point them out and I'll fix them right up!!

Also, the pacing might be weird but they're verified according to my Psychometrician of a sister :]

Enjoy the chapter <3

Chapter 4: Cuts and All


Previously on Psychological Experiment:


Jon took Evan's hand in his once more and Evan just let him. They both simply stared at the ceiling, no more words had to be said.


Chapter 4: Cuts and All

"No" Jon huffed

"Please, Jon?" Evan pleaded for the nth time that day

"I said no, Evan" Jon said as he crossed his arms across his chest

"It's just for dinner and it won't even be awkward or anything" Evan said with puppy dog eyes but Jon just looked away from him

"No" Jon mumbled again

"Jon...!" Evan whined but Jon just used the same tone as him and said


"Please?" Evan asked once more

"Evan, I am not going to fucking meet your parents!" Jon groaned

"You have to, you're my psycho buddy and they want to meet you" Evan reasoned with him but Jon just shook his head

"I'm your psycho buddy not your girlfriend!" Jon huffed as he walked out of the kitchen with his bowl of cereal and went towards the living room and sat on the couch

"Yeah, but you're the reason I left my girlfriend so you have to act like a 'patch' of sorts and meet my parents!" Evan said, following Jon onto the couch. Jon looked at him as if he were crazy as Evan sighed

"Okay, maybe calling you a 'girlfriend patch' isn't the best way to convince you, but you get my point!" Evan groaned but Jon just shook his head in annoyance and faced the TV. They were both silent as Evan thought up of more reasons on why Jon should meet his parents for dinner and Jon thought up of more ways to say no. The silence was however comfortable. They've grown used to just each others' company without having to say something, since they've been living with each other for five months already.

Jon's only had one incident where in he almost cut, but Evan managed to stop him by destroying his door down. After he did, Evan ran towards Jon before he could make any more cuts and hugged him tightly. Unfortunately, since the cutter was open, Evan got cut in the process of hugging Jon; but Evan didn't care, he kept hugging Jon. After that day, after seeing Evan get cut and hurt because of him, Jon had been afraid of going near cutters or anything that could hurt Evan. And Evan couldn't have been more glad for what happened.

"How 'bout this?" Evan started but was immediately cut off

"No" Jon said, taking a spoonful of cereal into his mouth

"Just hear me out" Evan chuckled and continued to talk "We can have dinner with my parents, and then we can cut it short. After meeting them, we can go have dessert at that ice cream place you love so much and I'll buy you whatever you want" Evan said with a confident smirk

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