Chapter 5: Doubt (part 1 of 2)

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Psychological Experiment

A/N: Don't mind the random "trademark" signs. Pft. The incident with the copyright thing really pissed me off.

Also: Important note at the bottom.

Chapter 5: Doubt


Previously on Psychological Experiment:

"And... well... I love you... cuts and all. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Never in his life did he think that he would ask someone to be his boyfriend, let alone someone he called his 'psycho buddy'. And Jon never thought that he'd ever be able to understand the lyrics of the 'stupid' song playing in the background, yet here he was, practically the epitome of the song.

"I'd love to"


Chapter 5: Doubt

"Evan?" Jon mumbled as he walked around their house

"Where you at?" Jon called out again, but the only response he got was the echo of his own words. Jon frowned as he lightly hugged himself. He didn't want to admit it, but he's grown quite dependent on Evan. So whenever Evan was away from him, he'd start to feel anxious, as if the darkness was closing in on him again. Evan would always manage to come back before anything serious happens, but Jon would never tell him that; he didn't want Evan to think that he was weak or needy.

"Evan?" Jon tried to call out once more as he got to the living room but still saw no one. He took out his phone and was about to text Evan when he heard the car park outside their house. *byuserSapphireous* Jon sighed in relief knowing that Evan's finally home. He smiled and headed to open the door and welcome Evan back, his phone still in hand

"Welcome home, Ev—" Jon started but stopped when he saw Evan heading towards their front door. But he wasn't alone

"Oh, uh. Hey Jon?" Evan confusedly greeted

"You didn't say we were expecting company..." Jon mumbled as he looked curiously at the oddly familiar girl that was beside Evan

"What do you mean?" Evan asked but then shook his head and continued to talk "Uhm, Jon? How'd you get into my house?" Evan confusedly asked as Jon was taken aback

"What do you mean your house? Evan, this is our fucking house" Jon lightly growled but Evan just raised an eyebrow at him

"Maybe I should go while you guys talk this out?" the girl asked but Evan shook his head, and the next thing he did made Jon drop his phone. Jon could clearly hear the phone's screen breaking—or maybe that was his heart he heard—as Evan snaked his arm around the girl to stop her from leaving

"E-Evan? W-What the fuck are y-you doing?" Jon asked, afraid of the answer he'd hear

"What?" Evan asked

"I... I'm your boyfriend. What the fuck are you doing with her!?" Jon repeated, his voice raising not out of anger but out of fear as he remembered who the girl in front of him was

"What the fuck are you doing with Sydney?" Jon mumbled as he could feel himself tremble and weaken at the sight in front of him

"Jon... you're not my boyfriend. Not anymore... don't you remember?" Evan worriedly asked but Jon just shook his head

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