Chapter 5 (part 2): You Said It

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Psychological Experiment

A/N: So this is still part of chapter 5 and technically a continuation. I just did it to mess with y'all :3 and I missed giving you guys a cliffhanger so... here's the continuation! Sorry if this next part is short :[ to make it up, the next chapter will be uploaded in a few hours ^_^

Also: The idea for this thingie that'll happen is from my own room. I got something for it recently and fell in love with it. It's made me the happiest I've been for the past few months. It's just plain beautiful so I thought why not add it here? :] Enjoy!


Chapter 5.5: You Said It

"J-Jon?" Evan managed to stutter out as he stared at the scene in front of him. It was pitch black but he could see Jon's outline in the middle of the room. Evan closed the door behind him and was about to go towards Jon, when his voice stopped him

"Evan..." Jon smiled at his name as Evan kept still

"I was in the dark before you came into my life. I was alone and I wanted so much to get away from it all." Jon said as tears were trickling down his cheeks

"But then you showed up. You were annoying as fuck... and yet you were the most amazing thing that I've ever seen." Jon mumbled as he fumbled with something in the dark

"I thought that I'd be alone forever, that the darkness would be my world and there was nothing I can do about it. But then, you showed up" Jon whispered and then they both heard a light


Evan's eyes widened and glowed as he stared at what Jon had done.

A string of bright bluish-white lights illuminated the room as Evan stared in awe. It created a light glow as the little bulbs turned on and off in a pattern, and in the middle of the room stood Jonathan with goofiest smile he's seen on him

"And like these Christmas lights, you were worth waiting in the dark for" Jon said as his voice cracked a little, making Evan grin. Evan shook his head as his own tears began to fall as well

"I was scared I'd find you covered in blood... and instead I find you covered with cheesey-ness" Evan teased as he went to the middle of the room, his eyes never leaving Jon's

"Shut the fuck up" Jon chuckled as he felt Evan envelop him in a hug

"I'm glad you didn't cut... I'm glad you stayed too" Evan whispered into Jon's ear, making tears threaten to fall from his eyes

"I was going to..." Jon mumbled as he looked up at Evan

"What made you stop?" Evan asked

"You" Jon smiled as Evan kissed his forehead

"I wasn't even here" Evan said

"You're always in my heart, Evan" Jon chuckled

"You know, I thought I was the corny one in this relationship" Evan smiled as he kissed Jon on the lips

"I love you, Jon. Never forget that" Evan said as the kiss ended

"I love you too, Evan" Jon whispered. He was getting comfortable in Evan's arms when he was suddenly pried away, making him look at Evan with wide confused eyes. At first, Jon was worried that he did something wrong, but the big goofy grin and teary eyes on Evan's face says otherwise

"W-What?" Jon nervously asked as Evan couldn't stop smiling at him

"You said it" Evan whispered at first but then repeated it a bit louder "You finally said it"

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