Chapter 6: Side by Side

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Psychological Experiment

A/N: I'm currently playing prop hunt while writing (when I should be studying for Chem 16 @_@ ) and if anyone wants to join me whenever I might play next, my steam name is Sapphireous - 238 (the number changes) ^_^

Onto the chapter :]

Chapter 6: Side by Side


Previously on Psychological Experiment:

"Then you better get comfortable because you're going to be here for as long as I'm alive" Evan unconsciously said the very thought roaming his mind. His eyes widened when he realized exactly what he said and was about to take it back, but Jon beat him to it

"I already am, Evan"


Chapter 6: Side by Side

Luke's eyes snapped open as he heard the door to his house open and shut close. He carefully stood up and got his baseball bat for defense as he walked down his stairs

"W-Who's there?" Luke called out as he peeped into his living room and was surprised to see a few packed bags on the floor. He was about to approach them when he saw a figure curled up on the couch

"The fuck is going on?" Luke asked as he went to sit on the couch and could now fully see that it was Jon

"Jon? What're you doing?" Luke asked as he placed down his baseball bat

"I fucked up..." Jon mumbled

"What happened?" Luke frowned as he noticed that Jon was crying

"I fucked up so bad... I know what I did was fucking wrong and shitty... but I had to do it" Jon kept whispering as tears continuously escaped his eyes

"Calm down, Jon. It's alright... just calm down, it'll be okay" Luke tried to comfort him but Jon just shook his head

"I broke up with him... I just couldn't let him get hurt because of me..." Jon kept mumbling as Luke was taken aback

"You broke up with Evan? What? Why?" Luke frowned, knowing that Jon loved Evan, something real bad must have happened

"I couldn't face him though... So I packed my shit... I was about to fucking leave but he arrived and... I told him we had to break up" Jon sobbed out as Luke tried to comfort him

"Why did you have to break up, Jon? You two were doing so well..." Luke asked

"He could do so much fucking better than me... I kept having nightmares saying that I'll just ruin his life... That I'll bring him down with me and that I could never make him happy... I'm too fucking broken for him" Jon tried to explain

"Jon, those are nightmares. They're not real. You know that Evan loves you, right?" Luke said but Jon wouldn't listen

"I love him and I know he loves me. He kept telling me that but... this is for his own good" Jon said as he grasped at the roots of his hair in an attempt to assure himself that what he did was right

"This... this is for his own good..."


"How could this have happened, Evan?" Dr Hill sighed as he stared at the red-eyed and pale CanAsian

"I warned you both. Don't fall for each other." Dr Hill said as Evan just stared at his lap with empty eyes

"Let me see them again" Dr Hill said as Evan hesitantly raised his arm onto the table, revealing fresh red cuts on his right arm. Dr Hill sighed and Evan retreated his arm

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