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       I walk down the stairs carefully as I hold my swollen belly. Daryl was talking with Rick about the fences, Daryl shakes his head and then sees me and runs towards me, he places a hand on my back and holds my hand as we walk down the stairs of the prison.

      "Are you hungry? Are you okay?" His face pales a little. "Is.. is the baby coming?" I chuckle at how concerned he is about me and the baby.

       "Yes, yes, and no the baby is not coming." I smile at him. He nods as he sits me down at the table and pours me some soup that was warming up.

         He sits next to me and kisses my forehead. He keeps rubbing my back as I eat the chicken soup. I see Rick smiling at us in the corner of my eye, when the walkers got in the prison a week or two ago, Lori and Carol went into the tombs and we never found them. So we assumed they're dead.

     "Ah Mya. You're up. How are you feelin'?" My dad asks as he walks in.
"I'm fine, Daryl is always here to help me so." I laugh with my dad. Daryl chuckles a little.

        I finish my soup and I start to feel a little sleepy. Daryl must of noticed. He helps me stand up and brings me back to my cell. He lays me down then kisses my forehead. I roll onto my side with a pillow underneath my belly. I am glad how well Daryl took the news four months ago.

*four months ago*

      I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans as I walk up to Daryl, who is currently fixing a truck that won't start. He looks up at me.

      "Hey baby. Wanna help?" I nod at him as I walk up and take a look. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and I smile.

      "Uhm, Daryl. I, I need to tell you something." I said looking at the ground. "OK." He mumbles as he grabs a wrench.

        "I'm.. um. I'm." God why can't I just say it? He stops what he's doing and looks up at me. "You're...?"

         "Pregnant. I'm pregnant." I say not looking at him. He doesn't answer so I look up at him and he's tearing up. He quickly grabs me and picks me up. His arms are wrapped strongly around me, and he laughs.

           "Oh my god. I can't believe it." He smiles as he sets me down. "I'm going to be a dad!" I laugh with him as I start to cry happy tears. He looks down to my belly and places his hand on it.

          "A little tiny human is growing inside of you. Our baby. Oh I hope it's a girl." He smiles as he holds me close. A panicked expression crosses his face.

        "That means we need to find formula, clothes, and everything you need. We also need a name, a bed for the baby. Oh my god, we need to-"

        "Daryl. Daryl! Calm down. The baby won't be here for about eight months. It's okay." I smile at him as he calms down. He hugs me tight.

       "C'mon, we need to tell everyone about our baby." He says as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and we walk towards the prison.

I am going to be a mom.

Redneck Family (Sequel to "Redneck")Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ