Chapter 12

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I woke up super early so I could make everyone breakfast, and it was about 7 in the morning so I knew nobody would be up. I went downstairs, and when I got into the kitchen I was surprised nobody was in there; I went to the stove and turned it on to let it heat up, then I put some bacon into the pan and let them cook, in the mean time I got out another pan and put so eggs in it, once the bacon was down I put on a plate and set it on the table; when the eggs where done I also put them on a plate and on the table. Just then Calum and Luke came downstairs, and just looked at me.
" Lyric, what are you doing up? Did you have another bad dream?", Luke asked walking over to me.
" I made breakfast for everyone, sorry."
" No its okay, we just thought something was wrong.", Calum said giving me a warm hug. Just then Ashton, Michael, and Natalie came downstairs and we eat our breakfast. After we ate breakfast, we decided to put the furniture into our bedrooms, so I got Ashton and Luke to help me, and Natalie got Michael and Calum. My room was in front of Luke's so we put some of the furniture his room, first was the bed, and the closet, then we put the lamps in, which was the hard part because Luke was over thinking it. Last we put up the posters.
And of course we were done way before Natalie, so Ashton went to see what they were doing, and turns out the were having a pillow fight, so Luke and I grabbed a pillow and dog piled Ashton, and let's just say there was a mess afterwards.

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