Chapter 2

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           As i walked in, He looked up with a surprised look on his face. his eyes flashed down to where my ring should be and sighed in relief when he saw i had taken it off. In fact it was safe in my pocket.

"Ah, Ms. Katerina, Please take a seat. Thank you for coming."

" don't have to be so formal, I mean i am your wi-"

"Dont say that! Please i am trying to forget" He interupted me. I shivered at the tone in his voice and looked down.

"I am sorry...I didn't mean to, I was only joking" I said using the poor innocent hurt girl excuse. I heard him get up from his chair and walk to me.

"Please, Dont cry. Its not that i wouldn't want to be with you its just that you are my student, Its against school rules technically" Wait, was he saying he would date me if weren't teacher and student. I knew I had a look of complete shock on my face. When i did he looked confused.

"What? Did i just miss something important?" I just shook my head in amazment. He most llikely didnt even mean it that way. It was only wishful thinking...Right?

"You seem to be deep in thought. Tell me whats on your mind." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Its nothing, honestly. Just thinking about your wording." I said without thinking. Now he was going to ask what i meant...Great!

"What do you mean?" Told you...I took a sharp intake of breath and looked up at him with hard eyes.

"Nothing. It was nothing really."  Please believe me, I silently begged.

"No, I know it was nothing please tell me." I couldn't tell him, It would just be weird.

"Ok, I was wondering if you realized how you worded your previous sentance, It would have sounded like to any other girl that you would date them. Good thing i am too smart to think that. I mean that would just be weird." I said chuckling slightly. To anyone who was listening it sounded completly fake, I hoped he didn't catch that though.

"Oh, uh well i was just saying that yes, it would be weird for a student and Teacher, None the less your principle, also to date." He said avoiding the real subject. For a few seconds we avoided each others eyes. We lapsed into an awkward scilence. For about five minutes we just sat there. Me in a desk and him sitting on the top of the desk. His hand had slowly slipped off my shoulder and onto my hand. We were holding hands at that moment and didn't even realize it.
       The bell rang and we both jumped up. Dis connecting our intertwined fingers. After we realized what had happened i felt the electricity settling in. He cleared his throat and shuffled his feet saying
"I actually have to fnish grading these papers" He said gestering towards his desk "Before Homeroom ends." He was very awkward about the whole thing. I got an adrinalen rush and decided to ask him if he felt the electricity that pulsed through my body every time we touched. Everytime i thought about him. "Mr. Booth...Do you feel that spark too?" He looked up at me suddenly with those oh so familiar wide eyes. He resumed shuffling his feet and playing with the silver band on his ring finger. Then it hit me, He had to be married to me and another woman! Before he could answer ran from the room. Tears were already prickling from my eyes. Why was i crying anyway? I mean we were going to get divorced and never think about this again. Though for some un known reason it was hurting me. How could he not tell me that he was married? He seemed to really care about that ring. I ran straight to my homeroom and pushed my hands into my pocket, where i fellt my wedding ring. I pulled it out and looked at it as i took my seat. It was beautiful and i loved it. It is something i would have picked out for myself if i had the chance.I just staired at it all class until the bell rang signaling us for our next class. Mine was english...

Married by Elvis to my Principle/English Teacher. great huh?Where stories live. Discover now