Chapter 17

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Hey guys, So my camp is over and I finally got the 10 votes so Thus I am writing to you now =) Hope you like this chapter, I have major migraines so I am kinda out of it while writing this. Sorry! Hope you like it non the less. Remember to check out Secret_dont_tell_Xx's stories, Also LizBizCheezWhiz's book. ITS AMAZING, but its also undiscovered. CHECK IT OUT!

We slowly walked into the classroom to see Anthony sitting at his desk, He had a smirk on his face when he looked at me and then dropped it when he looked at Emma.

"Well girls, Would you like to explain what happened?"

"SHE STARTED IT!" Emma exploded once again wasting no time in blaming me. He chuckled and turned to me. We locked gazes and I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, I am not going to take sides, But I highly doubt that Miss Wilson would do that." He settled on.

"I have to suspend you both girls, Three days each. You may come back to school on Monday." My jaw fell open and I gaped at him.

"What!? I didn't do anything, Ant- Mr. Booth!" I caught myself.

"I'm sorry Miss Wilson, School policy. Now you may go," He said to Emma, She glared at him and walked out, I slowly started to follow her not wanting to talk to Anthony when he called me back. Turning around it was my turn to glare at him. While he went behind me to shut and lock the door I sat in his chair.

"Wipe that look off of your face, I'm sorry I did that, It is already too obvious that something is going on and if I let you off it would be too mysterious. Sides, I was thinking I would take a 'sick day' for three days..." He trailed off, Finally understanding what he was saying I suppressed a giggle and said,

"What if I don't want you to stay at home with me? I mean you DID just suspend me...That doesn't settle right with me..." I teased him, With a crooked grin on my face. He walked up to me and put my face in his hands.

"Well, I want you stay with you so deal with it. Sides we still need to work on makin those babies we briefly talked about before..." He said and kissed my lips, I could feel my face heat up but I ignored it and kissed him back. The feeling of risk engulfed me and I smiled into the kiss, It was so risky to do this in school but oh so fun. When I needed air I pulled away and his lips moved to my neck. Right above my collarbone was my soft spot and he hit it right on. I squeaked and giggled at the same time. When I jumped back I fell onto the ground, How many times had I done that? I immediately jumped up and leaned against the wall.

"Ok, Well I'm suspended so I am gonna go Mr. Booth, Oh, And I didn't start it, Ana did. Don't blame her." I said sick of being interrupted by something.

"Woah! I am taking a sick day starting today, I have no classes left today so I'll just drive us home."

"Well...I was just going to go home and lounge around..."Before I could respond my phone rang. Sighing I picked up without looking at the caller ID.


"Hi baby. How are you?" The voice asked and I know who it was right away.


"Yes silly goose its me." She responded right away.

"It's been almost a month and I wanted to know when you wanted us to come over and help you pack."

She still thought that I was going to get a divorce...How could I tell her I wasn't...

"Baby, Are you there?" She asked me...

" Yes mom, I'm here, Uh maybe we should talk in person today, I am actually headed home right now maybe you can stop by-" She cut me off.

"You're coming home? Here?" She asked, Oh uh how would I respond to this?

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