Chapter 24

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hey guys, So since I am on quarenteen due to me being sick with some Viral infection thingy, I will be home and alone with only me laptop and me tv =) So thus a chapter. I hope you like it and thanks to the few of you who actually sent me a message and where I should take this book. And I am going to be using some of those idea's. LOVE YOU ALL THANKS SO MUCH FOR FOLLOWING ME STILL AND CONTINUING ON WITH THIS BOOK!


"ANTHONY!" a girlish scream bounced off the walls. Turning around I saw a woman bounding towards us; blonde hair blue eyes and HUGE boobs. Seeing the size of hers forced me to look down at the smallish size of mine. She ran up to Anthony and ran into his arms. He looked at me with shock written all over his face.

"Serenity, What are you doing here? I thought you were living in Fiji..." He responded with horror this time.

"I was but when I found out you were becoming a teacher I decided I wanted to see you again, and I wanted to be a teacher too. So I got daddy to get me through teacher school, than he paid the principal here to hire me!" Wait the principal here? I looked at him and raised my eye brow.

"Uh Serenity, I'm the principal here....I've not been paid or told that there is a new teacher."

"But I did." out came Mr. Collins. (A/N he's the guy that gave them the ultimatum earlier, Chapter 20, where she had to choose between Jake or Anthony.) When he walked around the corner I swore under my breath and not even wanting to talk to him I walked off.

"Ms. Wilson, We aren't done with our talk." Anthony said trying to push Serenity off.

"It's alright, I'll just stop by during break before class starts." I said laughing at the glare he gave me.

This past week had been surreal, We went to the doctors and I had been in fact pregnant for a few weeks, and we would have to wait for the 11th week to find out what it was, sex wise. It's so weird to think that I'm pregnant, Let alone with my teacher! When we walked in to the office the doc looked at us funny for the longest time, but than after she saw how much we were in love she let up and we decided that she would be the doctor to deliver. I started to rub my small baby bump, I'm about 5-6 weeks along so it's very small.

"Hey lovely, How you feeling?" Joz asked me as I walked up to her. Ana was right behind her.

"Eh, Ok. Though I got a good laugh earlier." I told them how Serenity showed up, with Mr. Collins. When I brought up him, that earned a few profanities from my friends. The bell rang than, and we all head to class. I had PE first but was allowed out of it because of my pregnancy, My doctor wrote a note to the nurse that was very secretive, Just saying I had something wrong but not what. So now I pretty much had study hall.

Blah, blah blah blah blah, Blah. I was so bored it wasn't even funny. I was currently in math class and absentmindedly rubbing my belly. My phone buzzed next and I grabbed it, Making sure that Ms. White wasn't paying attention.

'Hey you, I'm so bored. We should ditch next period, Shop for baby clothes or something.'-Anthony

I snickered at this, and typed back;

'Don't you have a class right now? And yes, I vote that too, though don't people think that is weird that we are both gone? Suspicious much?- Me. Looking back up I saw that Ms. White was on her computer, with her earphones in listening to something I suppose. While I waited for him to respond Ana and I exchanged notes, giggling every so often.

'well they can suck it up, I mean really, teachers and students have been absent on the same day before...Come on! We can start making the nursery!' -Anthony. Shaking my head I waved my hand in the air trying to get the teachers attention.

Married by Elvis to my Principle/English Teacher. great huh?Where stories live. Discover now