Chapter 5

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HEY GUYS! ok, So you like really have to read my friends book, It was originally titled Coming home, But it was taken off and i just now convinced her to put it back up with a new title and cover! He Promised Me Forever, But I Guess That Was A Lie, By LizBizCheezWhiz/

Great book, Undiscovered and i really want you guys to go look it up, It is short right now but she has to type it up on her phone so it will take longer, But i got sucked in so quick, So enough of my rambles, Lets get back to my story!

The week had been pretty boring. Since i teased Anthony it had been a little awkward between us. I went to all my classes each day like any other day. It was now friday and I had plans with Anasia to hang out. She and Julie were the only ones who knew about me and Anthony. He on the other hand didn't know that they knew. I was planning on telling him today before i went over so he had time to cool down. Right now i was looking for my sweats, and i couldn't find them.

"Anthony! Do you know where my sweats are!? The purple ones!?" I yelled downstairs.

"No, Check the bathroom, You wore them yesterday remember?" He called back from the living room. Over the past day we had grown kinda close. At least comfortable enough to act like this.I walked into the bathroom and saw them sitting on the top of the hamper.

"Thanks! They were in here!" I called back down. I went back into my room to find my phone vibrating. Without checking the ID i picked up. "Hello?"

"When are you coming over? Have you told him we knew yet!?" Anasia yelled at me.

"I am coming right now" I said putting on my sweats over my jeans. putting her on speaker phone i put on my tank top. "No, I haven't told him yet, I was planning to say it as i was walking out." I laughed.

"Wow, Chicken! Just tell him fast so can come over there and sleep over or something." Like that would ever happen!

"Ok well I'll tell him. I am almost done and-" I was interupted by Anthony.

"Katerina come down here! I have something to show you!" I wonder what it was. I took her off speaker phone teling her to be quiet so that i could talk to him. "Tell me what he says" She whispered. When i walked down he was on the couch holding an envolope. When he saw me he just handed me it. When i looked my eyes got wide and I started cracking up. "What, What is it!?" Anasia said in my ear. In the first picture it showed Elvis with two very drunk people wearing shalls over their heads. They were facing each other and holding hands. The smaller person was wearing a small white dress while the taller one was wearing slacks and a pink shirt. In the next one it showed the shalls off their faces and i gasped. It was me and Anthony, We were smiling at each other and laughing it seemed like. In the next one it showed us kissing. It was our wedding pictures! I turned to him and he was laying on the couch laughing. I sat on the edge of the couch leaning back on him.

"I didn't even know that we bought these" He said with a smile on his face.

"Well we will have to put them into a frame" I said looking at him. I was joking but had a very serious look on my face. He looked at me like i was crazy and shook his head. It seemed it happened non consiously but he started rubbing my waist with his thumb. I ignored it and had forgotten that I had Anasia on the phone. I put it back to my ear and said i would be there in a minute. Right before I hung up she yelled "Tell him!" I rolled my eyes and closed my phone.

"Ok well i am going to go, I'll be home around 12 tomorrow." I said getting up. As i got up and walked away he grabbed my wrist. I looked down and he was smiling a realy adorable crooked smile.

"Have fun" He whispered.

"Dont have too much fun ithout me, Oh and uh Anasia and Julie know..." I said and ran out.

Married by Elvis to my Principle/English Teacher. great huh?Where stories live. Discover now