Chapter 12

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Ok, Guys I am exstatic that you are actually reading my story and commenting and faning and voting, So i am going to raise the stakes, I need 5 votes before I upload again. So 5 votes on this chap or NO MORE WRITING! I am also debating whether to make it 6 next chapter than add one more vote for each new chapter. Tell me how you like it! Oh and guys, So I had to jump from my laptop to my dads which is a netbook and it is really small and i suck at typing on it so thus ignore the spelling or grammar issues and if you don't understand something feel free to ask!


Kat's POV

We didn't talk about the bridge incident for a few days. I wasn't forced to go to school and since he was the principle he gave me leave. Ana and Joz were the only ones outside the house to know everything. Even my parents didn't know. Ana came by everyday to visit me, while Anthony brought me my homework. I really had no need to stay home, but Hey! Who wouldn't turn down the chance to stay home? At the moment i was lounging on the couch watching In Plain Sight while eating chocolate. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and I was waiting for Anthony to get back home. After about ten minutes the door finally opened. He seemed to tiptoe around the room cause he assumed i was sleeping. I resisted the urge to giggle. He put his bag down on the chair to my left and walked into the dinning room. I slowly and quietly followed him and snuck up behind him. Getting up right behind him I whispered in his ear "Welcome Home" At my voice he swung around and held his hand to his chest.

"Way to give me a heart attack!" He yelled. At this moment I was on the floor laughing my ass off!

"That *Gasp* was *Gasp* so freaking *Gasp* HILARIOUS!" I said continuing to laugh. I don't even uderstand why it was so funny, I mean I've scared people like that before and I never laughed this hard.

"Hardy har har, That was sooo funny, Giving me a heart attack is just so funny! You know for that, You have to go to school tomorrow" He declared looking like he was very proud of himself.

"Well ok, I was looking foward to going back, I love school" I countered. He glared at me and walked away. Him walking away brought the memory of days ago when he walked away from me after he heard that Aiden ruined my life. That memory for some reason crippled me to the ground in a fit of sobs. I couldn't contain them enough to even go into my room. He came running back in and he sat with me on the ground.

"Hey, What happened? Are you ok?" He asked concern filling his voice.

"I'm fine, FINE, I'm so sorry Anthony. So very sorry!" I got out through small breaths. It was hard to talk but I did it anyway.

"Sorry about what?" Now confusion.

"You walked away before I could explain! Before I could say anything. He didn't ruin my life, He brought me to you..." I somehow got out without even thinking about what i was saying. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted him to know everything. I loved him and I knew it. Before I was just too afraid to admit it, I had to finally tell him. Oh how life worked, I had known him for, four years and I never thought I would feel this way about him. He was also just my Principle and my Senior year english teahcer. Nothing more, I was just his student. And now I loved this man. I wanted to be with him forever.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I-" I couldn't do it. I knew he didn't want me that way, He just wanted it over.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go..." I said and got up. At this moment I declare that I will tell him at graduation. Or right as I was leaving for college or something. This really pissed me off because In all of those stupid romance books they end up together. Its completly obvious that they are meant to be together. Don't believe a word it say! I ran to ana's house as fast as i could and ran up to her room. I fell on her bed and waited for her to get home.

              I ended up falling asleep and waking up at dinner time. I walked downstairs to find everyone at the table eating. They had left a chair open for me and I sat down.

"So Kat, How was your day?" Her father asked me. Just including me into the convertation not even asking why I ran into their house in tears and fell asleep.

"Uh, Eventful...I guess" I said back to him. "Ana, Can we talk later?" I asked her. She smiled and said "Of course!" Then went back to eating. I loved this family... We sat in silence for another couple of moments before the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Ace yelled, Running up to the door. He opened it and there stood Anthony. My mouth fell open and Ana jumped up and walked to the door. She took him outside and talked to him for what seemed like hours, But in reality was only a few minutes. She walked back in and took me upstairs.

~Anthony's POV~

She ran out of the house at lightning speed. I didn't have a clue what had just happened. One minute we were joking around and then the next she was on the floor crying. What was she going to tell me? I knew it wasn't "I've got to go" and what did she mean by he didn't ruin my life, He brought me to you? This whole thing was crazy! She, I can almost guarantee it, went to Anasia's house. I was going to give her some time to cool down and come home for dinner. I slowly walked to my bed room and layed down. I turned on some music on and listened to the flow.

            When I finally got up and looked at the clock i noticed it was about dinner time. I assumed she would either be home already or almost home so I checked her room and downstairs and she was no where to be found. I called her and the call was rejected. Not again, Please Not again....I ran to Anasia's house. When I rang the doorbell I heard "I'll get it!" From what sounded like a little boy. I was correct, A little boy about 6 or 7 answered the door. He didn't say anything, just stared. I looked and saw Kat's mouth fall open and Ana jumping up. She walked to the door and took me outside onto the porch.

"Ok, You tell me what happened. Your story then I will decide if you are a friend or foe." She said with a completly straight face. I told her my whole side of the story, all of the confusion i felt was let out and when i got to the changed wording part, She just nodded like she understood. Then without another word walked inside of the house. Leaving me alone on the porch, I didn't know what to do so I walked back home. At least she was safe, Thats all I cared about. 

~Kat's POV~

I was staring at Ana as she shut the door. I was making holes with my eyes to the back of her head when she turned. What were they talking about? When she turned around she locked eyes with me, Crooking her finger showing me to follow. I got up from the table and followed her quietly. We didn't talk until we got to her room. Shutting the door behind her, she turned to me.

"Ok, I've heard his now I wanna hear your side." She said bluntly. I told her everything, All of those feelings and by the time I was done I was on the ground leaning against the door with tears in my eyes, I never cry but since i got married I've cried more than i usually do in a months time.

"Tell him. He deserves to know, and love doesnt have a time limit, I could walk outside of this door right now and fall in love, Its very unlikely but it could still happen." She said quietly.

"No, I can't do that to him or myself." I said under my breath. knowing she would hear me.

"I just can't do it, I have to go somewhere, I'll be staying the night probably. Going to the park." I whispered to her and walked out. I went to the park and sat down on the bench. Sitting there in the bitter cold air was annoying, But nice. The silence. It was nice and I wanted to stay here forever.


Ok, Guys I hope you liked this chapter. I am almost done getting sleep haha so I should be back to normal and writing longer chapets very soon. So rememeber 5 votes on this one or no next chapter.


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