First day

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Hey y'all here's the next chapter! 😃👍🏾

Kendra's Pov

We stopped at McDonald's since I didn't eat breakfast. My mom makes good food but I'd rather eat take out than a home cooked meal.

See me and Kamiya may look a like but we totally different people. As for me I'm happy as hell to be out of hot ass Florida. Everybody at our school was fake and nobody really liked me. Maybe because I speak my mind too much but if I have to say something then I most definitely will, like I seriously can't keep anything in and I guess some people can't handle the truth. To me Atlanta is gonna be fun and I'll enjoy it while it last.

I smiled seeing the McDonald's up ahead and bumped my head to 'All around the world' ft fetty wap was playing. I really only like this song because fetty in it and he sexy as fuck. I pulled up to drive thru and ordered a frappe and three chocolate chip cookies. I smiled while eating my food on my way to school. When we pulled up to the school all you see was blacks and Mexicans. Like I was for real shocked. Everybody was dressed differently and a grin spread across my face.

"We're gonna have fun here Mya" I said looking at my self in the mirror. I was wearing a black ting top and some high waisted shorts and my timberland's. My hair was in its naturally curls and I have a black bandanna on. Me and Kamiya don't wear make up which is good because we look good without it. I stepped out our car and me and Kamiya walked into the school everybody looked normal nobody was giving us second look which was good to me. I looked around the school seeing it was big. Like bigger than my old school. I held Kamiya's hand while walking down the hall to the office to get out schedule.

"Welcome to Clementine high, I'm the assistance principal, Ms.Gilford.    You must be the new twins were adding into our school." She said typing into her computer. I nodded and smiled at her. She looked alike a normal fat principle. Her glasses were low on her nose and her wore a flower dress with a muffin next to her computer.

"Here's your guys schedules, since your twins we don't like to have siblings in the same classes but I put you both in two classes since I heard this is the first time you've been to Atlanta I hope you both find your classes okay. If you need help ask anybody in the hall." She said handing us a piece of paper each. I looked down at it seeing I had some cool classes. I looked up to see Kamiya comparing our schedules over my shoulder.

"We have study hall and math together..." She said sounding a bit surprised. I know Kamiya doesn't want to be here but I actually kinda like it here so far.

"Well I'll see you at math next hour then.." I said hugging her. She smiled and nodded sadly. I walked around looking for my class once I found it I walked in, everybody was seated and the teacher was teaching. I sighed annoyed at everyone's eyes on me. I turned to the teacher showing him my schedule. He studied it and frowned.

"I'm sorry Kendra but it seems your in the wrong class. You must be confused, your class is all the way down the hall." He said. I looked at him confused and then smiled at him politely as he handed me my paper and I walked down the hall seeing he was right. I stood at the door to my class and turned the knob to see it was locked. I frowned and knocked on the door. An old skinny white lady opened the door and glared at me.

"Your late!" She spit at me. I gave her a bored look and nodded walking into the class. "I don't accept late students to my class, detention. Get out!" She yelled. I looked at her evilly and snatched the pink slip out her hand. I couldn't even say anything I just walked all around the school confused on where the detention room is.

Kamiya's Pov

I walked into my first class and saw the teacher wasn't in the class yet. Wow the teachers late for class...that's a new one. I sat down at a empty seat and took out my phone.

"You the new girl?" A girl asked. I gave her a stink look as she just stared into my eyes. "You are right, everybody talkin about y'all. Y'all like famous right now. Y'all like Nicki minaj famous." She said giggling to herself. I frowned at her and sighed. Her hair was in three difficult braids as she wore a head band on her head. Her outfit was okay but she looked icky..

"Uh. Yeah I'm the new girl. Im Kamiya.." I said introducing myself. She smiled and took my hand shaking it.

"I'm Brady. I'm a freshman but I'm really smart so they put me up in this 11th grade." I wanted to laugh hearing her say she was smart. Smart my ass. "You like reading books? I really like reading dem big books with a lot of chapters in em. Did you know that cats like time I found a cat and fed it some tuna and turns out it was my neighbors cat...I cried because I really wanted that cat but my mom made me give it back and I bought my own cat three weeks ago I named her Candice..." She said holding on to my hand still. I gave her my best smile and nodded and thank the God for having the teacher walk into class.

"Hi class." She said and everything else was a blur.


After class I walked down the hall to my next class I had with Kendra, I was happy because first hour was boring and awkward. Everybody was just starring at me even the damn teacher. I'm in a special class because I have anger problems. Like I get irritated fast and I guess I catch attitudes quick when people talk to me, but I stutter and don't like to stick up for myself. It's confusing but-

"Aye watch where the fuck you walking lil bitch" Some boy said pushing me aside. I gave him a stank look backing up and looking around seeing who he was talking to. "Who you looking for your other half she ain't finna save yo bony ass" he said laughing to his self.

"Wh-oo thee f-uuk you tal-king too" I stuttered looking at him confused.

"I'm talking to yo ugly ass..why the fuck you stuttering for?" He asked looking down at me laughing. I rolled my eyes pushing past him to get to my class. "Scary ass" he yelled towards me. I huffed and kept walking to my class.

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