Devil's Assistant [28]

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Chapter 27

I didn’t know what to expect when we decided on war but the sudden darkening of the skies as thunder cracked and the sky rumbled at us. It felt like we were doing something terrible but there really was no other option, these kids had control of the entire human population while we were the few, the archangels, the arch-demons and the demis, those of us whose are blessed to be somewhere in between.

Lifting my gaze to those around me, I saw that not one of them looked hopeful about our prospects in this battle. Each one’s face carved into that mask of grim determination laced with hopelessness. Their eyes had lost the sparkle and looked dull yet behind all of that I could see it, the thirst for blood that was igniting within them all. Quite frankly it scared the beejeezus out of me.

As we stepped outside the protection of the henge, the mellow feelings left me and I felt my heart pick up speed as the severity of the situation hit me. My breathing became shallow as I started to panic, my hands reaching out to clutch onto the people beside me so hard that my fingernails dug into their shoulders. I glanced up at the trio of men who had been with me throughout this madness and gave them a shaky smile.

“Did I just do something stupid?” I asked looking over my shoulder at the monument that was about to play host to the battle for the world.

A warm hand patted my own before pulling from the death grip it had on their shoulder. “No, you did fine,” Lucius murmured as he took my now free hand and grasped it tightly in his. Slowly we walked towards the army that had gathered in our absence.

There were so many faces before me, all standing waiting for orders and the reminder that many of them, if not all of them would not survive what was to come. What could we do? a mere army of ten thousand against the human population of the planet under the control of some temperamental teenagers? Considering that killing these people is like cold hearted murder there is nothing more to say, apart from if I survive, I will be wanting a nice retirement package and a house by the beach.

“Men we go to war!” Donalbain’s voice thundered from behind me causing me to jump forwards a few steps before turning my head so that I could send him a scowl.

The answering roar was thunderous, the sound rippling like waves, getting louder and louder with each chant. Some of them were even banging their swords against their armour. I think I’m going to stay behind those guys when all goes to hell. They look like they actually know how to handle a blade whereas mine that was hanging from my waist was merely decoration at that point in time.

I gulped and tried to memorise the faces before me, I wanted to be able to remember those who fought for me even when they probably had no faith in me. I didn’t even have the faith but these people were going to walk blindly into battle with a wimp for a figurehead.

My hand moved to the hilt of the weapon hanging from my waist and I gripped it tight within the palm of my hand. I felt reassured to have the deadly piece of metal there ready wield but without a doubt knew that I probably wouldn’t have the heart to use it in battle. I would never have the heart to kill someone in cold blood, no matter who they are. But, this is kill or be killed. I shook my head back and forth. How can I justify making someone’s heart stop when they are doing something against their will, when they are just as terrified as I am? Harmony’s face flashed before my eyes, first when she bespelled Lucius and I, and then the gruesome mask of pain on her face in death.

“For Harmony,” I whispered before nodding my head to the many people around me to show that I was fine, that I wasn’t going to have a melt down before their very eyes. My smile wavered under their scrutiny but most of them thankfully turned their attention to preparing themselves with the bloodbath that was sure to come.

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