Chapter 3

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The next few days were a battle between me, Danny and Stephanie. We know she's not interested in being a Mum to Skye and she's just doing this to hurt us. I know I shouldn't have hit her but she did sort of deserve it. She shows up after four years, fills Skye's head with rubbish and expects to pick up where she left off? I'm sorry, but I'm not having that! I may not be Skye's birth mother but I've been more of a parent to her than her real "Mum" ever will be!

"T?" Danny called over to me, breaking me out my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"We've got a visitor!" He told me.

"Who is it?" I questioned, as I walked over to the door.

To my surprise, there was Skye and a social worker. Stephanie must have given up after all!

"Mum!" Skye grinned.

"Skye!" I replied, hugging her tightly.

"Stephanie's given permission for the adoption to go ahead, that is if you still want to go ahead with it?" The social worker asked us.

"Of course I do! It's what I wanted all along!" I grinned, as tears streamed down my face.

"Can I live here?" Skye asked me.

"Of course you can sweetheart" I smiled.

"Well, I'll leave you in peace and I'll be back in a day or so to sort everything out" The social worker replied.

"Thank you" Danny grinned.

"You're more than welcome" She smiled.

"Yes!" Danny shouted as he shut the door.

"I can't believe we got her back!" I cried.

"Me neither!" He replied.

"I'm going to take these upstairs" Skye announced.

"OK babe" I smiled.

"I always knew we'd get her back" Danny told me.

"I know, her sort aren't made to be parents" I laughed.

"I love you T" He responded.

"Aw you big softie, I love you too" I answered.

We stayed on the sofa cuddling for a while, until I looked up at Danny.

"I can't believe she's back" I grinned.

"She's where she always wanted to be" Danny pointed out.

"I know" I agreed.

"Can I have some food please?" Skye asked us.

"Yeah course you can, come on, I'll get you some" I told her.

"Thanks Mum" Skye giggled.

"It's alright, we've got to feed you haven't we?" I laughed.

"Yeah" She replied.

"I'm glad you're back" I admitted.

"I never wanted to be there, I hated it" Skye replied, sadly.

I know darling, I know" I spoke to her.

"She said she was going to split you up and she'll get Dad, then we'll move away and she said I'll never see you again, I didn't want that" Skye revealed.

"She'll be the one who never sees you again" I stated.

"I don't want to see her. She's not a Mum, she doesn't know how to be" Skye smirked.

"Right then, what you having?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Some toast please" Skye answered.

"OK babe" I told her, putting some bread in the toaster.

I let her eat the toast in the kitchen and went back to see Danny, who was in the living room playing on his PlayStation.

"Boo!" I shouted, running up behind him.

"Fuck sake T!" Danny laughed.

"Did I make you jump?" I giggled.

"Yeah just a bit" He grinned.

"Sorry" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Where's Skye?" Danny questioned me.

"She's in the kitchen eating her toast" I replied.

"OK good" Danny answered, as he put his controller down.

He lifted me onto his knee and he slowly began to kiss me. He ran his fingers through my hair as he deepened the kiss.

"Dan?" I mumbled into the kiss.

"Come on, bed" Danny insisted, as he broke the kiss.

"Well, I won't say no to that" I winked.

"I didn't think you would!" He smirked.

Anyway, they went off to bed and you can guess what happened next...

A normal family life (or is it?)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin