Chapter 15

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I was sat in my mates recording studio at the other side of town having a chat with someone from my mates record company to see what we could do about me being a singer. I explained to him that I have three kids but I'll try my best to come to the studio, but it probably won't be every day, as I can't leave the kids with Danny all day. It's not fair on him and he probably has his own career he wants to pursue.

"So how old are your children?" The guy asked me.

"I've got one year old twin girls and a nine year old daughter" I replied.

"You don't look old enough to have a nine year old!" He laughed.

"She's not my child biologically, I adopted her when she was nearly eight years old" I explained to him.

"Oh I see" He responded.

"So where do we go from here?" I questioned him.

"Well, you probably want to get home to your family, so I'm going to let you go now and I'll be in touch" He told me.

"OK thank you" I smiled.

"You're welcome" He replied.

We were talking for a few hours, until about 6:00pm and I set off back home, confident I might be able to get somewhere with my dreams of being a singer after all! It's like Jack once told me "your dreams don't have to end, just because you're a parent" and I've always believed that. Why should my dreams end just because I have a family? They shouldn't. It's not selfish because I've put this off so I could spend the first year of my daughters' life at home with them. I need to be a normal twenty three year old and I still have my dreams that I want to pursue.

I checked my phone a short while later as it was vibrating. It was a text from Danny.

From Danny:

Hey gorgeous ;) xxx

To Danny:

Oooh winky smiley eh? ;) xxx

From Danny:

You OK babe? xxx

To Danny:

Yeah I'm good, I'm coming home now xxx

From Danny:

Good xxx

To Danny:

N'aww why? Were you missing me? xxx

From Danny:

So what if I was? I am allowed :P xxx

To Danny:

Aww! xxx

From Danny:

I love you xxx

To Danny:

I love you too, you big softie xxx

I smiled, locked my phone and made my way home. There was two lasses and they were fighting in the street but I left them too it. I don't even know them so I aren't getting involved. They were hurling a lot of insults around though.

Once I got home, the twins crawled up to me and began pulling at my trousers. Danny pulled them away though.

"No you two, that's naughty!" Danny scolded.

"Dan, they're only one babe, it's fine" I told him.

"No T it's not fine. They need to know that they can't go pulling people's clothes. If we don't tell them now, while they're young, it's just going to get worse as they get older" Danny explained.

"True" I agreed.

"How did it go then at your mates recording studio?" Danny questioned.

"Yeah it was really good. We just talked about when I'd be able to go in and stuff. I didn't really want to leave the kids with you all day but I need to be twenty three years old and pursue my dreams Dan" I spoke to him.

"I know and I'm right behind you, whatever you decide" He smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"Thanks babe" I grinned.

"It's alright" He laughed.

"Arghhhhhhhh!" Skye screamed.

"Skye?!" I called out, rushing over to her.

"Skye what's wrong babe?" Danny asked her, clearly concerned.

"Isabella, she... she.. she bit my leg" Skye cried.

"Isabella Louise Simpson, that's naughty behaviour! You do NOT bite people!" Danny scolded her.

"Are you OK Skye?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, my leg.. it... it hurts and it's... it's... bleeding" Skye sniffed.

I sat Skye on the sofa and went to get the first aid box so I could clean her leg up and it was only then, I realised how deep the bite was.

"Dan?" I called over to him.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"One of us is going to have to take her to hospital" I told him.

"What? Why?" He asked me.

"That's not something we can clean ourselves" I spoke to him.

"Yeah it is quite nasty" He agreed.

"Do you want me to take her or are you going to take her?" I questioned.

"I'll take her, it's alright" He told me.

Danny took Skye to hospital to get her leg cleaned up and they came back a few hours later.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"They've cleaned her leg up but there's no damage from the bite" Danny stated.

"That's good" I replied, breathing a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to bed anyway. Night Mum, night Dad" Skye announced.

"OK night babe" I smiled, giving her a hug.

"Night Skye" Danny answered, as he gave her a hug too.

"We should probably go to bed too. It's past midnight" Danny suggested.

"Yeah come on" I replied, taking his hand.

We settled down in bed to get some sleep. I shuffled over into Danny's arms and lay my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. He pulled the covers up around us and we settled down to get some sleep. Family life eh? It can be a pain sometimes but I certainly wouldn't change it!

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