Full chapter.

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A week or so later.

Me and Danny have had a row and he walked out on me, Skye and our unborn baby. I've got no idea where he's gone as he hasn't been in touch. I get that we've fallen out but you'd think he'd have the decency to see how Skye and the baby are but I guess not. Skye wanders downstairs in her pj's and it's obvious to me she's been crying.

"Where's Dad?" Skye sniffed.

"For the millionth time, I don't know Skye! If I knew, I'd tell you!" I snapped at her.

"Alright sorry!" She shouted at me.

"Skye I'm sorry babe, I know you want your Dad, I want him too" I sobbed.

"Why did he walk out?" Skye questioned me.

"We had an argument so he stormed out. I thought he'd come back in a few hours like he always does but this time, I guess not" I replied sadly.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. I got up off the sofa and I told Skye to stay where she was. I walked over to the door.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Are you Danny Simpson's partner?" They asked me.

"Yeah why?" I quizzed them.

"We've found him and you might want to sit down.." They began to tell me.

"Why?" I demanded to know.

"He's not in a good way.." The police woman told me gently.

"Where is he?! I want to see him!" I yelled at her.

"Please calm down and my colleague has gone to get him out the car" She explained.

The police man brought Danny to the house and he was covered in blood and bruises.

"Danny!" I screamed, running up to him.

"T?" He mumbled.

"I'm here, come on let's get you in the house" I told him.

"I'm sorry T" Danny whispered as I got him in the house.

"It's alright, it doesn't matter now" I smiled.

"No it does, I shouldn't have walked out on you all" He sniffed.

"Dad?" Skye asked.

"Just give him some space babe" I spoke to him.

"What's all the blood?" Skye cried.

"Yeah, what is all this blood? What happened?" I asked him.

"These two lads beat the crap out of me for nothing" Danny explained.

"Oh Dan!" I cried.

I got Danny cleaned up and Skye ready for bed. I made us both some food as Danny looks like he hasn't eaten for days. He just looks so frail and exhausted. It's not the Danny I'm used to seeing.

My God, you were hungry!" I laughed slightly.

"Yeah, is there any more?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'll get you some" I replied.

"Thanks T" He smiled gratefully.

"It's no bother" I told him,

I got Danny some more food then I did the washing up, then I helped him off the chair and back into the living room. As much as I hate the fact he just walked out on us, he's my boyfriend and I love him. I can't bear to see him like this, it's horrible. I also can't believe someone would just beat him up for nothing. They wouldn't start on him for nothing, he must have done something.

"T?" Danny spoke to me, breaking me out my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I answered, forcing a smile.

"Can we go to bed? I'm tired" He questioned me.

"Yeah come on" I replied, helping him up. 

I helped him get into the bedroom and I let him undress himself. Once he'd got himself undressed, I helped him into bed and pulled the covers over him. I kissed his head and started to walk out the room.

"Are you not coming to bed?" He asked me.

"I will soon, it's only 8:30pm" I told him.

"Oh OK" He mumbled.

I walked out and went back to the living room. I put a DVD on and sat down to watch it. I wasn't really watching it to be honest. I was too busy thinking about Danny, Skye and the baby. I need to get to the bottom of what's happened. I know them two lads wouldn't attack Danny for nothing and I know he can be a bit mouthy, especially when he's drunk. He must have said/done something for them to kick off at him. 

I went back to bed at about 11:00pm and Danny was fast asleep. I carefully climbed into bed, being careful not to wake him up and I lay back in bed and settled down to sleep. I'm glad Danny's back but we need to have a chat in the morning, once I've dropped Skye off at school. I won't have him just walking out on us and coming back when he feels like it. I love him more than anything but I am angry at the fact he disappeared for a week, got himself beaten up and he comes back and then he thinks everything's OK. I'm supposed to be pregnant with his child at the end of the day. He ought to remember that. 

A normal family life (or is it?)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon