Chapter 2

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Check out the picture of Sweet Talk Cafe on the media section and here's Chapter 2. Enjoy.

Natalie's POV

I know you're worried about us (or maybe not). Just to be sure, we ended up going to our dorm after the curfew but managed to sneak in.

We spent the rest of the time like a usual Friday night. By 'usual' I mean that we cuddle up in our couch together watching some movies. We almost watch all genres since Stephanie likes science-fictions, Miley prefers horror, Melissa and Stacie love sappy romantic movies or chick flicks and I usually go for whatever they wish. We stuff our faces with popcorn, potato chips, chocolates - you name them.

We usually end up sleeping together in the couch and wake up with cranky necks and sour backs. Even though getting up at 7 0'clock on a Saturday morning is the most cruel thing for heavy sleepers like us, we look forward to it.

I love weekends. Aren't they so good? Most people like to go to parties or a movie or something. But we worked at Sweet Talk café. You could tell by the name of it, it's a small cafe' near our school which has diverse varieties of food from aromatic cakes to colourful smoothies. We work there from 8am-8pm every Saturday. The cool thing is that the five of us have the cafe' to ourselves for the whole day. We enjoy working there.

The Sweet Talk Café was not much when considered in terms of size. There were around 15 small coffee-bean topped wooden tables with cream colour cushioned chairs surrounding each table. I personally like the coffee-bean shaped lights which hung from the ceiling along with small spot lights. At the back of the shop on a slightly raised platform was the counter along with a glass display of all eatables. The back wall was completely glass so that the kitchen can be seen through (cool right?). The shop was always bright. Just one of the little beautiful things about Sweet Talk Café.

I opened the door and my face was hit with the ever present aroma of baked goods. I always think that our place looks particularly cozy in the morning light. We wear our café uniform which is basically a pale pink waitress outfit that came to our knees and a white apron (you should see how it looks at the end of the day).

Stephanie started working the cash register. With her balancing skills we only call her when we have an utterly desperate situation or when we want a disaster to happen. Miley wiped and arranged the tables and chairs while Stacie went behind her expertly placing the menus and tissues in their respective positions.

Melissa and I had the most exciting job-baking. We went to the kitchen. It smelled like fresh fruits.

"So what is today's special?" Melissa asked me. I ponder for a while before concluding "Blueberry muffins!". Melissa smiled. I was very careful about the blueberries as they are very tempting. We mixed the batter carefully and placed it in the oven.

We busied ourselves by doing other important things like eating (actually stealing) cheese and fruits from the refrigerator. Then we prepared coffee and orange juice to serve when people asked for them. Rest of the things like breakfast and take-away orders must be cooked only when they are just ordered. It is a rush, yes. But food tastes better when it is hot and just cooked.

Melissa finished writing "Blueberry muffins" on the blackboard announcing the special when the bells jingled. Melissa and I returned to the counter while Stacie greets the customer with an elasticized smile.

"Welcome to the Sweet Ta- Zoe!" she exclaimed as she ran to embrace our favourite customer.

Zoe was probably 19 and she is the definition of cool. Her long dark hair was pulled into a ponytail and she wore a black tank-top and baggy military pants. Her feet were clad in converse.

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