Chapter 4

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Natalie's POV

Did we stop with our previous notable adventure and sleep early? No. I woke up with burning eyes.

"Get up lazy nimrods!" Stacie's chirping yet irritating voice was the first thing I heard on a Monday morning.

"It's 6.30!" Stacie screamed and I jumped up. So did everyone else.


I glanced at my timetable as I made my way to the locker.

First class was French. Oh joy! (Note the sarcasm).

It's not like I disliked the subject or anything. The problem was the teacher, Mrs. Vector. She was an old lady with horn-rimmed glasses, wore way too much lipstick and spoke in heavily accented English. She was very strict and partial and I was one of her favourable students (Not that I complained, its handy). At least I had Stacie and Melissa to keep me company.

Stephanie was too happy because she had Ms. Sarah. Miley was gone as usual.

I opened my locker and took the textbooks I needed for the first two classes. I made a wistful sigh as I looked at one of the two pictures pinned to my locker door.

One was a picture that my friends and I took at a photo booth after a great day at the fair. All of them had the goofiest expressions.

Another was a picture of my family. I smiled at the memory as I looked at the picture. I was unfortunately forced by my only brother to stand to his right. I mean, it wouldn't be an issue if not for his stupid t-shirt. He wore a black round-necked t-shirt which had the words 'epic fail' written on it with an arrow pointing to the right where I 'happened' to stand.

He was grinning down at me while I glared at him. He said that he carefully designed that t-shirt for the photo shoot. He is fun to be with (though I won't admit it) and irritates me a lot. He is a little over-protective of me and once even scared away my first date.

My father had his arms around my shoulders. My dad is probably the most easy-going and cool headed person in the whole world. He is a teenager in a forty-year old's body. He always teams up with me and my brother to do some silly pranks earning an earful from my mom. My dad gets most of the shouting which my brother and I enjoy watching.

My mom wore her permanent smile in the picture as her green eyes sparkled. Being a very concerned mother, she gets worried easily. She loves to talk, go shopping and fan-girl about hot actors. She has a child-like nature and joyful aura around her all the time. I missed them. A lot. I almost didn't notice my eyes moisten up and immediately blinked back my tears.

I almost never cry. The last time I cried was when I left my family to study here in Seaview High. Girls had many reasons to cry- sad ending in a movie, break-up, can't get the latest phone, shower didn't work, eye-liner ran out, shoes sale was over- but I'm not those type of girls.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by Miley who suddenly appeared. "Where were you?" Stacie asked.

Miley shook her head "Nowhere in particular," she replied nonchalantly.

"There's some new guy in school. Three chances. Guess who?" Miley updated us about 'What's hot'.

"Jackie Chan?" Stephanie guessed hopefully. We all stared at her blankly.

"Zac Efron?" Stacie took her chance.

"Get real," Miley advised.

"OMG! Don't tell me...Taylor Lautner," Melissa squealed. Really? Taylor Lautner?

"Just cut the horse crap and get to the point," I snapped.

"Nat's a cranky monkey on Monday morns," Stacie commented. I chose to ignore it. There's no reasoning with her.

When We Were 16...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat