Chapter 6

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This chapter is dedicated to Hello_Hearts for being such a sweetheart!

Natalie's POV

"You're where?" I asked confounded, into my phone.

"Here," she chimed. I stayed silent.

"We came here last night," she supplied.

"Why didn't you call me earlier?" I demanded in a quiet voice.

"We brought you strawberry tart!" she adverted feebly.

"Mom," I sighed deeply.

"I wanted to call you as soon as we touched down but your dad said that he would give you a surprise visit," she defended herself.

"And he forgot," I finished.

"Don't tell her," my dad warned my mom, unintentionally making himself heard.

"Tell her what?" my mom queried.

He mumbled something on the other side, though I could only make out one word – Jake.


I climbed into the bus chilled to the bones. The rain that was drizzling outside lightened my mood. A little. I searched around for a vacant seat. There was one, an aisle seat, next to a boy. I made my way to it.

The boy was fast asleep with a grey hoodie pulled over his eyes. His head rested on the seat and his lips were slightly parted. His legs were however widely separated leaving me a little place to sit. He must be in a deep sleep since his chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. I did not want to wake him up, so I sat down as gently and small as possible.

I leant back letting my thoughts take over. The bus was taking me to hotel Meridian where my parents were currently staying. I wanted to stay angry at them for not informing me about their arrival beforehand, but when they were actually trying to be sweet with the strawberry tarts, surprise visit and all, I just couldn't.

My mom is a home maker and she takes complete care of the home. But my dad, he is a very busy man. He is involved in the shipping industries. From owning star cruises to having shipyards, you name them. But unlike all stereotypical business men, he always makes time for the family.

I didn't realise I was staring at the boy next to me while spacing out. I noticed that he was snoring softly. I smiled for no reason.

I directed my sight to the window watching the rain drops hit the glass pane and slowly followed their path down.

The guy beside me shifted in his sleep. He started muttering something incoherent, capturing my attention.

"...don't want...padding in my...crotch,"

I stifled my chuckle.

"I swear...I'll be careful... Minho...pwease,"

That's it. I burst out laughing. He shifted again and this time woke up.

"Keep it down," he groaned, his face yet partly hidden and still unaware of his sleep–talk.

That only cracked me up more. He straightened himself and took off his hoodie with a slight shake of his head revealing his brunette hair. I stopped myself before saying "Oh". His familiar eyes looked at me. They were cool and intense at the same time, like the ocean – iridescent and flecked with every shade of blue.

"You are... that substitute in our school's soccer team right? Seaview High?" was my reply to his annoyed stare. He rubbed his face with both his hands to get rid of the grogginess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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