This Isn't A Shelter Anymore

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     Alyce found her car now that the crowd has mostly left except for the stoned ad wasted. Her car was old, rusty, and took about 3-4 trys to get it started. Once it was started Alyce turned on the radio. The rock station was disappointing this time of night so no good music spilled through her speakers. She turned it off and drove home in silence.

     Her house wasn't much better than her car. It was old, had broken windows, leaky roof, siding was pealing off, it was a mess. She parked her car outside and headed inside.

     As quietly as possible she opened the back door, it was challenge because it always squeaked bloody murder whenever you opened it. Once it closed behind her she hurried upstairs to her room before anyone could wake up. Her mother and stepfather didn't even know she left. In fact, they thought she was sleeping.

     The plan didin't work well though. Her stepfather Marcus heard the stairs squeak and awoke. He stomped to her room just as Alyce was putting her stuff down.

     "What are you sneaking around for Alyce?" he said with a smoke stricken and drunken voice. "You should have no reason to be sneaking around now little girl."

     Alyce stopped dead in her tracks at the use of her not-so-good nickname. She new what came next. Marcus was a scary man, unpredictable. when he started drinking every move you made was to stay away from him.

     Marcus brought from behind his back his best baseball bat. He hit in his hands like they do in the movies just before they beat someone up, and that was what he had in mind. Marcus grinned. He was going to enjoy this.

     "You should obey your curfew better Alyce." he said calmly. Marcus was a very muscular man, not someone you mess with. He was also very tall, that just made him more intimidating.

     He raised the bat above his head ignoring the pleading look in his step daughter's eyes. He took a step forward towards Alyce and she stepped back, instead of taking a step though, Alyce fell to the floor. Marcus swung at Alyce's back causing her to scream.

     The pain she felt was unbearable. Alyce felt the tears form in her eyes, soon she started sobbing. Marcus continued to beat her again and again with the bat making it hurt worse every time.

    When he was finished he looked down at his masterpiece full of tan, red, black, and, blue. "And that will be the LAST time you run away." he spat. He simply left the room after that as if he was just having a normal conversation with her.

     Alyce was left lying on the floor. She was bruised and bloodied. Tiny cuts on her back and shoulders bled. Almost all the surrounding colors were either black, blue, or some other kind of discolorment.

     She just lied there for a while. She was crying but it was one of those silent cries no one ever hears.

     'Why me?' she thought to herself, 'Why do I live like this? Others don't. in fact, most don't. why do I have to?'

     That question wandering her mind all night as she cried herself to sleep.

Song- Shelter, Colton Dixon

Love's Last Call ~ A Colton Dixon FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt