It's a Supermassive Black Hole

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Colton and Jared beat everyone out to the court. The rest of the more easy-going family walked there. From where Alyce stood the backyard was as beautiful as it's fellow front yard. There were roses and tulips everywhere, the volleyball court, a stained deck that had a silver grill, and the grass was green as a fresh lime. There was also a deep blue orb on a pedestal, under it a lion fountain.

A voice interrupted Alyce's observations. It was Micheal. "So Alyce, how good are you at volleyball?"

She stuttered "Uhhhh... Thi-this is my first time."

"You're kidding me!" Colton exclaimed across the net, starting to burst into laughter.

Alyce glared at him. He stuck his tongue out at her and suddenly she was laughing with him. "And no, I'm not kidding." she said with a smile.

"Well, since you'll probably suck so bad, you can be on me and Jared's team. We're undefeated. If it's your first game might as well win it. Now get cho butt over here chika!" he called. Alyce hesitantly walked over by the two boys. She wasn't sure if she wanted to play with them, guys play hard.

"Ok guys, who starts?" Jared said.

"We do!" Schy shouted.

Colton, still grasping the ball, throws it to her. Schy caught it and tossed it up in the a few time while creating a game plan with her parents. A few minutes later both teams were ready to play.

"Alyce, stand back. Dad's serving. And one more thing, hit the ball!" Alyce backed up just in time to hear Mr. Dixon's fist hit the ball. It flew towards Jared and he hit it over the net. Mrs. Dixon hit this time. The ball shot right to Alyce. She tried to hit it like Jared did but she epically failed. The ball shot straight up and arched a bit to the side resulting in Colton getting knocked to the ground by its impact.

"OW! Son of a..." he said getting back up. "I guess this is your forst time playing. Here, let me help you." He walked behind Alyce and grabbed her hands, helping her to figure out the right hand position. "Ok, you obviously don't get this. Just let me do it. There, you got it. Now, when the ball comes near you, duck under it, and aim your body forward toward the other side of the net. With any luck you'll get it over the net and I won't wake up with anymore bruises." He let go of her and Alyce felt shivers run through her body. She must be cold.

Schy had the ball again and she shouted "THIS ONE IS FOR ALYCE!" Alyce got in the stance Colt showed and she was ready. The ball left Schy's hands and flew towards her. Alyce dived for it and it flew over the net perfectly. She squealed in happiness.

"See! I told you!" Colton congratulated. "I knew you could do it!" He flashed her a smile. Something inside Alyce felt weird again, like she was shivering and not cold.

"Thanks Colton!" she replied.

As Colton already knew, they won the game. "Be quiet Colton! Bragging is so not nice!" Schy protested.

"It's not bragging. I'm showing my dominance in the way of me showing you that I'm just better than you." he said all cocky like.

Alyce found Mrs. Dixon inside as the two continued to bicker. "Do they always fight like this?" she asked.

"Well of course. Siblings always fight, usually over stupid things, but ya, they do fight like this all the time." she answered. "Don't you have a sibling you fought with?"

Alyce looked at the ground. "No. I'm an only child. Technically. But that's a long story."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mrs. Dixon asked looking a bit concerned.

"Oh. No. I'm fine."

"Ok dear."

Schy walked over to Alyce. "It's getting late. Are you ready to go home?" she asked.

"Ya. I'm ready. Thank you for having me. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Thank you." Alyce said. A chorus of goodbyes and your welcomes came her way and then both girls left the house.

They got back to the Mall gates and Schy dropped Alyce off at her crappy, old car. They both got out of the car and exchanged goodbyes.

"Bye Alyce. I'm really glad you came tonight. Everyone loved having you."

"I loved being over there." 

"Oh, here's my number Alyce, in case you ever wanna hang out again." Schy handed her a peice of paper.

"You know I will." Alyce answered taking it generously. "Bye Schy."

"Bye Alyce." Schy got back in her car and drove off leaving Alyce to her new home of a car. She climbed inside, adjusted the seat, and then started to fall asleep.

Song- Supermassive Black Hole, Muse

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