Meeting the Dixons

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Alyce couldn't believe her eyes. Never in a million years did she think she would see concert girl again. She was so excited bout it she hugged her.

"Oof," Schy said, ""I thought you didn'tlike hugs, or people touching you."

"I don't so take this as a big deal." Alice said, still holding Schyler tight.

"Ok." Schy answered and pulled in Alyce so hard she could barley breathe.

"Um, Schyler, I can't breathe. Please let go." Alyce gasped. Schyler quickly let go of Alyce.

"I can't believe you'll be working with me! All the others here don't seem to like, though I don't know why."  she explained as she picked up her lost shirt.

"You do realize that I can't work here if I don't have an application right?" Alyce said hintfully.

"Oh ya!! Here you go!" Schyler reached behind the small work counter and grabbed a small packet.

"Thanks." Alyce said.

"Anytime." Schy replied with a smile. Alyce continued to fill out the papers while Schy continued to talk about her unfriendly co-workers and soon after she was done filling out the application, she handed it back to Schyler.

"I should get going." Alyce said. "I have a lot of other things to do today. "

"Wait!" Schy shouted after her. "Are you doing anything tonight? Maybe we could hang out later or something. I mean, first we meet in LA and now we find each other in Nashville, something interesting must have happened."

Alyce pondered the idea. She had just ran away from home and made only one friend. Now that friend is inviting her to do something with her later. Kinda an easy answer to this question. "Of course I'll do something later."

"Eeee! It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait! How about pick you up at the main Mall gates?"

"I like it." Alyce said, "But I really need to go now. Bye Schy."

"See ya later Alyce!" Alyce left the Mall feeling pretty good. They always say if you meet a friend on the first day you're doing something right.

In her car she thought about one last thing. She had no where to live. No where. Zero, zada, zip. Nothing. It was a shock to her; at her old house, even as crappy and horrible as it was, counted as a home, now though she had no where at all.

'AtleastI'mout. she thought, 'At least I'm out.'

It was around 7 that Alyce showed up at the main Mall gates. Schyler wasn't far behind.

"Hello again. Schyler said, getting out of her car.


"Ready to go?" Schy asked.

"Ya. I'm ready, but where exactly are we going?'

"Just to my house. Nothing special at all. I told my family about you and now they really want to meet you."

Alyce was surprised at the last comment the Schy said. "Really? They want to meet me?"

"Of course! You're my new best friend!"

"Cool." Alyce said.

"Well let's get going. Don't want to keep them waiting do you?" Schy said impatiently.

Both girls go into he car and Alyce's mouth dropped to the floor. The interior of the pretty white car was all sleek leather and polished grey. A touch pad sat on the dashboard equipped with GPS, Pandora, and more. The seats were heated and it had its own phone system.

Love's Last Call ~ A Colton Dixon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now