The Great Escape

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     In the morning Alyce finds her door locked from the outside. 'No getting out that way,' she thought to herself.

     Alyce looked to her window. It was still unlocked. Grabbing her school bag and keys she plopped down the two story drop as she did the night before to get to her concert.

     It was still early so Marcus and her mother weren't awake. After she got into the car she turned on the radio once again. This time Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day played through her speakers.

     The short drive to school took the entire song. It was 7 o'clock by the time she got there. The school locker rooms opened at 7. Alyce always get ready for school at school because if she didn't Marcus would have her ass.

     After her shower in the locker room, she takes out the clothes she packed for today. Her outfit consisted of a pair of black skinnies and a 'My Chemical Romance' shirt. Slipping both on she goes to the mirror to do her make up. Once it's done her eyes are shaded with purple eyeshadow and lined with black. her perfume was last. She looked at te clock, it was 8, time for homeroom.

   She walked out of the locker room and started walking to class when a thought hit her. 'I don't have to go to scchool anymore. I'm qualifyed to graduate early. They can send my diploma home and then I can leave this fucking place.' She smiled at the idea.

     Now, instead of going to class she walked briskly to the office. Getting her diploma wasn't easy. It took an hour of arguing with the lady at the front desk but eventually she managed to graduate. "Thank you!", she yelled as she left the school for the last time.

     She ran to her car with joy. Marcus was still sleeping and now she had time to grab her stuff.

     At her house she squeaked open the door and she bolted upstairs. This time no-one woke up. with the idea of escape alive in her mind she grabbed all of her clothes and belongings. She had only 2 large suitcases when she was done, but in them held her life.

     The trek downstairs wasn't as lucky. The two bags banged against the stairs. her mother woke up.

     "Alyce?" she called out. Alyce by now has reached the front door uncaring about her mother. "Alyce!" her mom said more forcefully and while running down the stairs. When she got to the door she could see Alyce walking to her car.

     "Where are you going young lady?" her mom asked.

     Alyce turned to look at her for a second and simply said "Fuck you." while giving her the finger and a disgusted look.

     "Now hold it right there! You get back here!" her mom shouted. The commotion must have woken up Marcus because now his huge bulk was pounding outside.

     "Fuck you too Marcus!" Alyce screams out her car window as she speeds away.

     She was free. No more Marcus, no more uncaring mother, no more bullshit, she was free. She couldn't hold in her excitement any longer. "WOOHOO! New life, HERE I COME!" She pushed on the gas pedal even harder causing her to go faster. That's just what she wanted. She was never coming back home again.

Song- The Great Escape, Boys Like Girls

            Now, Paramore

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