When they meet again (Boys pov)/sensei and tang shen

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LEO'S pov

Sensei we are going out for patrol ok my sons be back by 11:00 sensei told us. hai Sensei we all said back. As We were running to find crime on the streets of new york. or our somehow sisters. As we were running we found the girls beating up some foot bots. There was a bunch of them. We jumped down to help them. As we were kicking butt the girl in the blue mask ran off when she saw us.

Raph's POV

When Venus ran off leo ran to see what was wrong. Me and the others were kicking foot bot butt. we were having fun then we saw all of shredder's minions. Aww shell. we ran off in the direction venus and leo ran into and into the sewers without anyone following us. we followed the sound of laughter. we looked in a sewer drain and we saw sensei with a rat lady. They were laughing and smiling then Mikey interrupted hi sensei. Who is this. Mom whos that Venus yelled. Wait you called him dad/mom we said in unison. Wait that is tangshen/yoshi. we said in unison again. yes they both said. But How did you see eachother again i asked. we were walking through the sewers looking for you 8 and we saw eachother. We were so happy. We are going to move in with each other again. Tan Shen told us.  And...... Tan Shen was cut off by visper. Wait witch lair are we going to live in ours or the boys. I was just going to ask you guys witch would you like to live in. Wait we chose.

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