Chapter 24

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((Author's note (long but it's a dramatic chapter so I guess you can skip this but I think it's important) anyways

•Eleven more chapters left
•If you requested a one shot, I swear I'm getting to it.
•Speaking of one shots, request them anywhere and anytime.
•Sorry for breaking your hearts with this chapter
•Just kidding I'm really not
•Comment a lot please I look at like every comment and you make me smile thanks guys.
•I'm gonna be updating this story like every weekend I'm pretty sure, school is hectic, sorry.
•I have a crush on my homecoming date someone please kill me.
•That is all

After that night, Vic and I got along with ease, although we still had our moments. I knew that I was better than him at soccer, yet he still thought that he was the best. I swear, some people never learn.

Today is our first game, and I'm actually quite nervous. I'm not that nervous, I know that we'll win. I know that I won't mess up. I think I'm an excited kind of nervous.

Vic is excited too, I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't care to admit it, but he doesn't have to.

Vic and I walk together to go down to the game, laughing and joking around, like usual. When we get to the door of the locker room though, Mike bursts through, his eyes wide.

"Vic..." He trails off, a warning tone in his voice. It startles me to see that his eyes are shining.

"Don't." Vic says, shaking his head quickly. He looks just as scared as Mike, but he's doing a better job of composing himself.

"What are we gonna do?" Mike asks worriedly.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. We're just gonna play like usual, okay?" Vic says calmly. He's definitely doing his duty as a big brother, trying to not look as panicked as he felt. It worked, Mike started to calm down.

"I don't want them to be here. I thought that we weren't going to see them again when we left." Mike said, looking scared all over again.

Vic envelops his younger brother in a hug, even though Mike is taller than him, you can still tell that it is Vic who is comforting Mike.

He whispers something that I can't hear into Mike's ear and they break apart, nodding and slapping each other on the back.

Mike and Vic make their way into the locker room, leaving me to trail behind. What the hell just happened?


Something is off about this game.

Yeah, it's our first game.

Yeah, everyone is nervous.

Yeah, we're still not quite used to playing with each other.

But we are all still good players.

Vic and Mike are usually the two best players on our team, not including me. I'm the best player on our team, no doubt in my mind. Anyways, Vic and Mike were messing up quite consistently.

My whole life of watching him, Vic has never missed a goal. I used to look up videos of him playing to watch technique and try to make his routines predictable. I've never seen him miss a goal, not once.

We lost the game by a large amount of goals. I hate to say it, but it was mostly Vic and Mike's fault. We all seemed to forget how much the team relied on them, and it cost us the game.

After the game, I managed to corner Vic outside of the stadium, pushing him against the wall.

"What the fúck?!" I yelled, clenching my fists angrily at my sides. He shoved me right back, pinning me against the wall.

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