|| brown

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Did you know that blood turns brown?

That's all I want to know.

I don't really want to write. I have no words to say, only emptiness to see and emptiness to feel.

If I don't do something though I'm certain I'd go insanely insane. Insanely insane.

I stayed in bed all day today. Even when my hunger gnawed my insides and my mouth tasted of steel.

I don't know if the monster has come home; I'm too afraid to check.

I do know that the sirens in my mind haven't shut up since I awoke from a painfully light sleep.

And they won't shut up.

They keep enticing me.

They keep telling me to do things I would never dream of doing.


If red can turn brown, surely that means that black can turn white?

I hope so.

I hate being in this dark place.

I just want to be happy.

I can only hope.

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