|| cerise

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"Hayley? Hayley, someone is at the door for you."

These were the words that
roused me from my Friday Night dreams,

(into my inescapable Saturday Morning nightmare)

and when I chased downstairs,
my nerves dulled to nothing;
because who else could it have
been, then Ruben and Aislinn?

Aislinn was wearing a cerise jumper, a deep reddish pink, her blonde locks cascading down past her shoulders. She was wearing a concerned frown, but there was a clear hint of delight set deep in her matching cerise painted lips.

"Hayley!" she exclaimed, nudging Ruben in the ribs.

Ruben cocked his eyebrow, and slammed his hip into the doorframe. "Hey, Hayley." He folded his arms coolly.

I remained silent, glancing helplessly at my mother. She wasn't looking at me, but her stance wilted, as she began focusing on her feet.

Her clothes were deep red. Deep red.

Deep as an ocean.

(Oceans d people)

{That's when I realised I preferred cerise over such a wicked colour.}

When I finally met her eyes, a thousand words passed between us.

{Antisocial freak of nature
was the title to our eye-locked, silent conversation of one thousand words}

I turned to Aislinn and Ruben, who both grinned like clowns.

"Hey, guys." I greeted them calmly, as though I was always expecting them to plant themselves at my doorstep. "I'll be five minutes."

My mother, well,

she glared.

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