Part Five

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"WHAT??" I yelled, almost tripping back over a chair.

"Just as friends!" He said quickly.

"I bloody hell won't!"

"If you don't, King Francis will take control over zhat poor country! It's not even fully developed and it's already being claimed! Don't you remember what zhat was like?" He frowned.

I stopped and hesitated. Looking back, I DID remember such a hassle. I only just began forming before I was taken away forcefully, learning the ways I didn't want to learn before managing to escape... I did build my own country but I wasn't properly trained, nor well made.

"You just 'ave to sign, nothing else. I swear." The frog said, taking a marriage license from out of his drawer.

"Any catch? And, why do you have marriage licenses just lying around!" I cried, before narrowing my eyes, anger still coursing through my veins.

"...Oui. You 'ave to come with me to the continent. It's just being born and you have many colonies now and you know how to take care of zhem, if you 'elp my claim it it will finally be King Francis' downfall. And, also, I don't 'ave marriage licenses just 'laying around', I had one made for this purpose and this purpose only! Thank you very much." He said sassily before begging me.

I (once again) hesitated.

"Signing and nothing else?" I asked.

"If you fall in love with me, zhat's your loss, but no, nothing else." He replied.

"HA! Me? Loving you? Why, I'd rather kiss a frog!"

"I can make that 'appen." He winked.

"Better bloody well shut it." I hissed as he quickly straightened himself and handed me the paper.

It disgusted me signing such a thing.

"As soon as we come back, I shall rip this up and it never happened."

"You 'ave my word. Besides, it's not a real marriage. I don't even love you." He laughed.

I laughed with him, but for some reason, deep, deep down, something twitched.
And even then I knew it wasn't a good one.
As much as I enjoyed my lovely sleep, I didn't get as much as I wished for that night. Of course, not many people do when their just 'married' but I made sure the slimy frog stayed in his slimy bed.

We weren't really married, just a gimmick to get to the country before King Francis did, but we didn't have much of a plan either way. I suggested we simply let it be, let the newborn country figure out things for himself but oh no! We just HAD to take it for ourselves and raise it!

A family? With France? Gah! I'd rather drink cold tea for the rest of my life!
I take that back.
Arriving to the boat undetected didn't help the situation as much as France had hoped it would. He nervously twitched and fidgeted as we made our way to the boating dock, as I kept myself calm by thinking about other things.

Like Elizabeth.

'Oh god! Elizabeth! I had...almost forgotten about you..Forgive me for what I've done.' I thought to myself, my heart clenching and slowly releasing itself as we climbed towards the boat.

"Your majesty! Such an 'onor." One of the (only) boat mates exclaimed as France passed by.

"Ah! Oui! Your boat is lovely, mon ami. It's just an 'onor to be 'ere!" He complimented, making the young lad blush.

I swear, the frog could charm anyone! Male or female or any person really. Well, he can't charm me, that's all that matters. Besides, he's my enemy! Always and forever he will be. He's not my husband nor my friend. I am perfectly content on being alone thank you very much.

"Frog, we have only three short days to get there and you're bloody flirting with someone half your age!"

"Mon Cheri, are you jealous?" He winked.

"Bloody hell. Can we please just go?" I hissed.

"Oui, oui. Mon ami, would you kindly get us ready for the ocean? We're on a time limit you see." He smiled as the lad took off around the boat, which was smaller then I had hoped it would be.

"Why did we have to take this one specifically? It feels cramped." I complained.

"Angleterre~, if we took one of the Royal boats King Francis would be notified immediately! He leaves tomorrow, and by getting zhere a day faster can zhrow 'im off." He replied.

"Fine. If this doesn't work-" I warned.

"It will! Stop worrying. Did you need me to rub your shoulders?" He flirted.

"Gah! Stay away from me or your hands would be chopped up into shark food!" I said menacingly.

He chuckled and faced the sea, as the lad untied the rear from the dock and began to sail.
Needless to say, three days alone with France wasn't the greatest days of my life. The young lad had pretty much fallen in love for the frog at this point, and it made me gag to see him try to get cozy with France.

Yet, for some reason, France would play it off as if the lad was just an old friend, because France didn't let the feeling reciprocate. I swear, it was definitely the first time that France didn't want a bloke back.

Back then, the word 'Gay' had always meant 'happy', and 'homosexual' didn't show up until much later in the 30's, but France showed the world what being gay could be.

France didn't identify as gay at the time of this period. Since the word wasn't really invented yet, he told everybody that he could fall in love with everyone and it wouldn't matter who they were.
Later, in the 90's, he then invented the word 'Pansexual' and it just escalated from there.

It made sense when the word 'Pansexual' showed up in the dictionary, because France's face was right beside the definition to show the world what it really was.

"I must say", I whispered to France as the bloke swapped the deck, "He's taken to you very lightly."

"Oui, well, who am I to say non?" He teased as he winked at the lad.

His smile didn't really meet his eyes that much, but I'm guessing he didn't care as much as he tried to led me to believe.

"Sires?" The lad spoke as he pointed to the West.

"Land ho!" He said dramatically as he eased us towards the land that would change our lives forever.

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