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The marriage license wasn't ripped to shreds when we got back. No, it was framed, placed in France's study as him and I discussed what would happen next.

It was obvious, to say, that things changed immensely over the course of the next few weeks, the children continuing to grow as we helped them. America's vocabulary growth amazed me, he learned many new things I didn't think we're possible already.

Like how to lift up a carriage, but either then that, baby Canada was slowly learning how to grab things. As any parent would know, it's a slow process and it can be hard sometimes, but that's what parenthood is about right?

It really was worth it, in the end. Our kids really brought us together, him and me. How could I ever truly thank them for that? I probably couldn't then, but I can now; and that's a wonderful thought to think.
A couple months of cleaning up the mess with King Francis led me to believe something we didn't think of yet; and with France being passed on his full right as ruler of the country, well it made me realize our small problem even more, now with more Humans around.

"Frog?" I asked one day, as he lazily looked over at me as we were reading peacefully in his study.

"Oui, ~Angelterre?" He asked as he set his book down.

I took a sip of tea and sighed.

"Do America and Canada have real human names yet?" I replied in a question.

"Oh! Uh, non." He frowned.

"Maybe we should give them names, you know, since America gets confused if he hears the name "Arthur" being thrown around." I muttered.

"Oui! Oui...but what names?"

"No idea. I had more books in my room, as you know." I smiled as his eyebrows shot up.

"Ah, Oui..." He said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"Yeah no. Seriously frog, I think one of those books has BOUND to have a good name somewhere!" I said as I stood up, stretching a moment before setting my book down on the coffee table.

"Alright alright, if by tonight we don't find anyzhing zhen can we maybe...?"

"Play checkers? I think so." I winked as his eyes lit up before practically running down the large hall to where the room was in the wing.
"Do you zhink zhey'd like zhe names? I'm so nervous.." France murmured to me as we headed down to where the children's room was.

"Don't be. Really frog, they like your slimy face, so I'm sure they'd like their human names." I teased, as he rolled his eyes and knocked on the door.

Our newly promoted maiden who served me all those months ago happily opened the door.

"Ah! Masters! Zhe children are inside playing. Do come in!" She said, ushering us inside before closing the door.

"Daddy's!" America clapped before running over to us with open arms.

He went into France's first as I ruffled America's hair and headed over to where Canada lay in his crib, hugging a white teddy bear I had gotten him when he came here. He tossed it to the other side of the crib and made grabby hands at me, to which I happily obliged and walked back over to where France and America sat near the chesterfield.

America blabbered on about his day as France listened intently, making a few gasping noises as America giggled.
France was such a good audience.

"America?" I asked as I took a seat across from them.

"Yes daddy?" He smiled as he placed his hands on his lap like I taught him.

"We have a surprise for you and Canada." I smiled back, as he giggled.

"It is a new blanket?"

"No no, nothing like zhat mon frere." France smiled.

"We're going to give you human names." I said, as America tilted his head.

"But we already have names." He pointed out, oblivious.

"Oh zhat is very right America, but do you know why your Daddies get called 'Francis' and 'Arthur?" France asked as America thought hard.

"Um...oh! 'Cause it's for the humans who don't know us as countries right?"

"That's right." I replied as America grinned.

"When did you get so smart? You must 'ave gotten it from me." France snickered as America giggled once more.

"Everybody's laughing. Now America, do you want to know what your name is going to be?" I asked him as he nodded his head quickly.

"Alright. America, we talked about it, and you're name will be "Alfred. Alfred F. Kirkland to be exact." I smiled as America thought about it.

"Al...Fred..Alfred. I like it. But, daddy, what does the 'F' stand for?" He asked as I smiled.

"Freedom." I replied.

"Oh! I like it even more! What about Canada's?"

For some reason, I almost forgot about the baby in my arms and looked quickly down at him.

"Mathieu Williams Bonnefoy of course." France answered for me, as Canada sucked on his thumb surveying the room.

"Matthew? That's a funny name." America giggled as I gave him the 'look.'

"I mean, I like it! I like these names." He said as he climbed off of France's knee.

"You know, I like our family." He said out of the blue as me and France rose an eyebrow at each other.

"Oh?" I asked as America nodded and picked up a stray teddy bear.

"Yeah. I mean, yes! It's 'cause we're okay here, and you made us feel okay and safe and all."

Touched by those words, me and France looked back at each other with a sort of blush.

"You think so 'uh?" France asked America as America made the bear walk.

"Mhm. We're okay, and it's good to be okay."

"Yeah. It really is isn't it?" I replied as France took hold of my hand.

"It really is." He smiled.
I'm sure you all think you know the story about how we met, or how we split our boys up and raised them in different homes. Well, sad to say, you're wrong. We raised them together, for years and years to come before they too went off to marry whomever they wanted.
At the beginning, when my wife died, I felt my heart become cold and chained, locked up deep deep down. I didn't think anybody had the key until you came around. You made me see something I didn't think I'd see before you know?

You made me see the sun again, you
made me realize what love was really like again when I thought I lost you.
We met our sons with a sense of happiness that we didn't know we had, and they taught us the meaning of how life can really be.

So yes, America, to answer your question for the millionth time.
We are okay. Better than okay.
We're finally Free.
It's done. After all these years.
It's done isn't it? What more can I say then to thank you all.
I didn't think I'd get this far really.
But I love you. Really, two years, two very long years to write. And, let's face it, procrastination sucks ass lmao.
But we're here, and it's time to say goodbye for now. Maybe.
I'll catch ya on the flip side.
I love you guys.

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