Part Seven

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"H-Hello?" I asked hesitantly, as the boy stared us in such wonder as the baby continued to cry in his arms.

He looked to be about seven, it had seemed. His blue eyes darted at us as he looked back from the baby to us once more, as he shifted uncomfortably in the white frilly sort of dress he wore.

He opened his mouth and closed it, and I wondered for a moment of he couldn't talk when he opened it again.

"...Am...Nor..." He mumbled as the baby calmed down and made soft coping noises.

"Uh, yes...? I'm Britain, my child. Are you and your brother safe?" I asked as France rolled his eyes.

"'E obviously can't form real words yet Angleterre~" He muttered, annoyed.

"Shut. Up." I said defensively before approaching the boy.

He backed up quickly, keeping a firm grip on the baby. I noticed a large part torn at the bottom of the boys dress, only to see the ripped cloth tugged safely around the baby. I smiled, the boy was already thinking of others before himself.

"Britain. I'm Britain." I said again, lowering my self on the grass as I gestured to the boy, opening my arms.

He continue to stare, looking completely concerned as I noticed from the corner of my eye the wreckage that came from such a tiny thing. He opened his mouth again hesitantly, but managed to say one word that to this day, continues to change my life for the better.

"America." He murmured, his voice a strange accent I've never heard before.

It wasn't thick, but it seemed to lack both mine and France's. It was clear, a sort of tick at the end. Nothing hung off it, and the very small cowlick that  sprung up from his small head had  seemed to be always there from the beginning.

The moment didn't last long as we continued to stare at each other though, when voices from the east made us all freeze in the exact same spot. I realized then it was daybreak, the sun slowly rising over head.

The boy made a small noise and took off running in the opposite direction, my hands reaching for him.

"No! Wait-"

"Who goes zhere!" A voice boomed as four men emerged from the wood, their eyes filled with anger as try talked hurriedly in their thick, French accents.

I had already knew who it was before King Francis took a step out of the bushes.

"Aha! So zhis is where you're 'iding 'uh, Francy pants?" The King sneered as France rolled his eyes in an undignified manner.

"If you're looking for zhe boy, my Lord," France started, his voice sounding disgusted with even mentioning the Title, "You wouldn't find 'im 'ere. If WE can't find 'im, what makes you zhink YOU can?" France hissed.

I found myself ignored as I stole a quick glance to where the boy and his brother had been, but of course, found not a trace. My guess he had built himself a home somewhere far from here, somewhere safe and away from people like King Francis for example.
Or even us, but I digress.

"Ohonhonhon~" King Francis laughed.

I flinched at such a sound. Yes, the Frog had a bad laugh as well, but at least he sounded good with his.
Not that I pay attention to such things mind you.

"I 'ave somezhing you and you're little friend don't." He grinned mischievously, looking both at me and our first mate.

Speaking which, our mate was still not yet excused from kneeling on the dirt since King Francis wedged his ugly head into our circle here, and I could tell it was hurting his poor knee.

"Oh yeah? What? A better attitude? I'm afraid you're mistaken." France shot back as the King glared.

"I'd watch you're mouth, you low life country. I am zhe King! You're just a maiden at best, or not even zhen ! You 'ang around zhe peasants so much you should be one!"

"It's better zhere zhen sitting by the zhrone you don't deserve to be on!" France shouted, the earth below us rumbling a tad.

"'Ow dare you! When I return, you'll be thrown out of France before you could even say 'baguette!"

France stared at the King, but I saw the hint of his legendary smile growing. You see, if a country was thrown out of his or her land, the land itself would cease to exist, slowly but surely, and it would take down everybody who didn't know in it. And I had a distinct feeling France let that rule slide when signing the land to the King. I couldn't help but snicker and wink at France for once, as France winked back.

"I. Am. SPEAKING!" King Francis boomed, the earth once again rumbling.

I knew who was causing this, after all. Little boys get scared all the time, and times two? Who knew what could happen then.

"Fine. Continue. What makes you zhink you can find zhe boys-"

"Boys?" King Francis said, his eyes igniting.

"France." I hissed.

"You mean to tell me, zhere's two?" King Francis asked, like a child who would awaken on Christmas.

"N-Non. Non of course not, besides, even if zhere was, the declaration you signed said you could only take one. And one only!" France demanded.

Our first mate had had enough I noticed as he slowly stood up, before stepping away further back. He wiped his poor knee and sent me a glance, which I only returned in pity. I gestured away and he nodded, slowly slinking away back aways to the ship.

"It wouldn't matter, now would it, Francy Pants? The object I carry in my 'and was invented by one of my Royal Inventors back 'ome, and it can find anybody anywhere easily. Enchanted as well, from a friend of yours." He grinned, his yellow teeth making me slightly gag.

"Who?" France demanded.

"Why, your friend Romania of course. Well, 'e wouldn't do it without a fight, and knocking him over zhe 'ead a few times really jogged his memory about 'ow to make it."

I gasped as France clenched his fist.

"What did you do with 'im?" France yelled, demanding to know.

"Oh, 'e's fine. Don't get all worked up now, back 'ome safely. But I'm sure you won't be seeing 'im anytime soon, especially with most of his 'onour gone with such betrayal." The King laughed as me and France exchanged looks.

The King held out a small bag of what I assume was magic, before slowly untying the knot that would hold it together. I stared at France pleadingly, before a thought came to mind.
A plan formed in my head when I noticed something, the other three men were only glaring at France and France alone, and maybe, possibly, I could run. I had to make sure those children were safe after all, and the sword poking out of Francis' holder wasn't going to get him anywhere with the children.

Before the King could pour the contents into the ground, I took off running in the direction the kids went. A startled cry came behind me as I heard French thrown at in different directions as I heard feet being pounded on the grassy floor behind me, my heart quickening when I realized the same three men were chasing me, with France and King Francis in tow.

I managed to get far though, with only the three men now chasing me as King Francis was jumped on by a very angry France, the bag of magic being thrown into a nearby ravine. I grinned and continued to run as I heard the two begin to battle behind me, but I didn't stop.

I can't stop now, my children need to be saved!

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