Part Six

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At first glance, the land surrounding us felt lonely and desolate, as if it needed somebody and it needed somebody badly. I could remember the same feeling as I wandered about for the first time, and I hoped to God nothing had happened to the child.

I didn't know if the country was either a girl or boy, so, naturally, I hoped for a boy. A son to call my own, to raise and treat him with integrity and honour. He would be raised in a good home, and I'd tell him stories about my wife and tell him she was his mother and-

"Mon Cheri? 'ello?" France said, waking me from my daydream.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Didn't you 'ear anyzhing I said?" France frowned.

"No. But I have a feeling you'll tell me again anyway." I muttered.

"Oui..uh...Zhe child would 'ave to be in zhe heart of zhis country, and King France arrives tomorrow. I'm afraid we didn't zhink zhis zhrough enough."

"You think?! My God man we'll never find a child in this country! We have no idea where we're going! This is all your fault!"

"My fault? You signed zhe license! You can't back out now!"

"I bloody well can! You got us into this mess!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me! Zhis isn't my fault! You didn't 'ave to come you know!"

"Well I had no choice now did I?! I signed the bloody paper!"

"Zhat's not what I meant." He replied angrily.

"Oh yeah? What does it mean then Frog??"

"You didn't 'ave to come to my country in the first place."

I shut my mouth and sunk back in defeat. Sad to say, he was right. Why did I go to his stupid country? Why didn't I go to anyone else? I'm sure Italy may have loved to see me...yet... Why?

"Yes, well...lets just stop arguing and  go find this kid." I said, very ungentlemen like and trudged through the grass.

Needless to say, we searched for hours. We droned on and on about our lives, nothing out of the ordinary really. As much as I hated the man, he was a good listener to say the least. Which would I assume counts for something, I'm sure.

We didn't know where to go, but our instincts mind you told us where. Relying on our instincts wasn't the best thing to do, but us countries were built of a mere mindset, especially finding others like us at such a young age. We concluded that the country, where ever they were, would be about a day away.
Being sure and humble about finding the child maybe wasn't a good thought out plan, especially if we only had a day to find him.

We knew we didn't have much time, especially if King Francis would be here by tomorrow's morn. We were in a bit of a pickle, I was afraid.
"'E's definitely over 'ere." France said as we moved throughout the night, our tired young mate trudging behind us.

"You bigoted idiot! He's definitely in this direction." I claimed, pointing towards the horizon as the sun set.

"Nonsense. As if you know zhis place better zhan me?" He laughed.

"Bloody frog. My senses are more advanced as yours!"

"I zhink not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"


"Are too!"

"Sires please-"



"SIRES IF YOU PLEASE!" Our mate barged into our conversation as he pointed straight ahead.

"Do you hear that?" He asked us finally, as we stopped to listen.

"Is that.."

"A baby crying?" France finished my sentence.

We stared at each other for a moment before taking off down towards such a sound.

"'E WILL BE MINE!" France yelled out as I ran up behind him.

"NO HE WILL BE MINE!" I yelled back, pushing him towards the tree line as I sprinted on.

We ran around like cows for a while, the crying slowly fading away. We ended up on the ground as he had the upper hand and started choking me as I kicked my legs around wondering where else I could hit him as our young mate furiously tried to get the frog to stop.

"Sires if you please-"


"N-NO-" I managed to squeak out.


"Sires the crying had stopped!" The lad spoke up as I finally pushed France off of me as I turned over and rubbed my neck.

"Well, bloody hell! This is all your fault you idiot!" I hissed as France cracked his knuckles.

"MY fault? You decided to push ME! Zhat is all on you, mon Cheri." The last line he said through his teeth.

I huffed and looked around for a moment.

"If he's a baby, how come he got away? That's odd...I understand if he had learned to walk but our voices should have attracted him somehow.." I frowned as France stood up fully and glanced around.

"I don't even know if 'e even ran off, was somebody with 'im?" France asked as I shrugged.

"Who else could be out here? He has to be at least a hundred until he can form people. Unless.." I trailed off.

"Unless?" France asked.

"Unless he had a...protector of some kind."

"What do you mean? A brozher? That's impossible! Zhere would be only be one 'ere I would zhink."

"You don't know that for sure do you? Maybe-"


We jumped and barely managed to get out of the way as the tree came hurdling at us with such sure strength and wit! The crash drowned out our screams as France dove at me and held me down as our mate ducked down somewhere else.

I opened my eyes to find France's locked in mine in such surprise. Our hands locked and our breaths ridged before he let go and climbed off of me, brushing it off as if it didn't happen.
I was loss at words as I helped myself up, not bothering to dust myself off as I stared at him.

He didn't meet my eyes though, for he was staring at something else.

A baby was still crying sure, but in the hands of a small boy, covering his brother in a protective way. His wide eyes stared us down as we noticed another tree sitting in his free hand.
The baby was hushed as the boy set the tree down with another crash before the boy tenderly kissed his little brothers head.

Me and France locked eyes once more before turning back to the two little boys.

"H...Hello?" I asked hesitantly.

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