Chapter 3

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After explaining my point as best as I could, my father gives me a warm, yet pitiful smile that proves that I just won this argument. After I get over the extreme happiness of actually going to a real school for the first time, my eyelids begin to grow heavy and I fall asleep next to the man who just granted me the one wish I have for my life.

When I wake up, I soon realize that I am alone. I sit up, stretch my arms, and get out of bed reluctantly. I shuffle down the hall as if I am some sort of zombie and encounter my dad in the kitchen flipping pancakes over the stove. As soon as he sees me he says enthusiastically, "You ready for a day of shopping?" I look at him quizzically and ask, "Shopping?" And then it all hits me. The conversation from last night and his accepting smile. "Oh my gosh!! So you really say yes?! You didn't change your mind?!" I scream with enough excitement to fill the room. "Yes, I am serious, but before you explode with enthusiasm, there are a couple of little things we need to go over first. Okay?" He says with a face that is trying to be serious and paternal. "Sure! Anything!" I reply in the same high-pitched voice that I have been talking in for the past couple minutes.

"First things first... You are to tell me where you are, at all times. Second, you need to see the school nurse everyday before lunch. And... Well that's about it." He finishes. "Yes! That's fine! You need to know where I am and nurse! Got it!" I reply, surprised with his simple guidelines. "You were saying about shopping?" I smile at him. "Yes. We need to get you clothes for school because it starts tomorrow and if you want to be there for the first day, then we have a lot to do today. BUT breakfast first."

We sit down and I eat my pancakes in a world-record time and run to my room to change. When I return to the kitchen, my dad is washing the dishes and I have to yell at him to hurry as he giggles at my excitement for going to school. He finishes up and he grabs the car keys and we are out the door and into the car.

We head over to the school first to get all my necessary paperwork in. That will take my dad about half an hour, so while he's doing that, I ask him if I can look around the school a little bit. I exit the main office and there's a massive, beautiful courtyard, filled with picnic tables and colorful flowers and school spirit booths. It was everything I imagined a high school to look like.

I walk in between all the bright blue tables and work my way to what seems to be like the indoor cafeteria. I walk up to the glass front doors, place my hands on the glass, and peer inside. That's when here footsteps to my left and look over to see a guy walking over to a bulletin board, carrying flyers and a stapler. He swiftly places the flyer on the bulletin board and staples it into place. He turns around and sees me staring at him. Once his gaze meets mine, I suddenly forget what I'm even doing. All I see are his eyes and their beautiful crystal blue color. I hear my father calling out my name and I break away from his incredible eyes and awkwardly walk back to the main office.

Once my father sees me walk around the corner, he lets out a breath. "What? Did you really think something happened to me in the 10 minutes that I wasn't 5 inches away from you?" I ask him accusingly. "...No. Why would I think that?" He replies. "Dad, you're gonna have to start learning how to live your own life without having to worry about me 24/7. I am fine. I'm not a little kid anymore."

"I know that, but its still hard for me. Give me some time to get used to it. I'll get the hang of it. I promise."

"Thanks, Dad. Now are you ready for a day of shopping with your teenage daughter?"

"For sure! Where do you want to go first?"

"Well we can go to Forever 21 or there's... Wait! Is there uniform here?"

"Nope. One of the few high schools that don't have uniform, but there is a dress code, like no short shorts, no spaghetti straps. Simple stuff like that. You got lucky!"

"Perfect! Sop we could go to Forever 21 and then... I think Old Navy would have some cute school stuff and..." I rapidly spit out.

"Okay, okay. I don't need the details, just tell me where to drive and we'll go."

I smile the biggest smile I've smiled in a very long time. Smiles don't really belong in hospitals, unless someone is miraculously cured from some disease, and that's rare. We drive all over town to get all of my outfits together.

Since my dad is basically new at this, and pretty much so am I, e have some trouble finding the things that I was looking for. Dad gets lost most of the time, and I get lost in the stores and all the clothes. We buy loads of clothes, accessories, shoes, and we end up stopping at a school supply store to get the basics for high school. Book bag, pens, pencils, some highlighters, and a few binders. We stop to have a quick dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Dad and Mom used to go there for dates when they were teenagers.

When we get home, just unpacking everything takes an hour and setting everything up for the next day takes another. By the time I'm completely prepared for the first day, it's almost 9 pm.

"Take a quick shower and get to bed. You have an early start tomorrow. Let me know if you're still excited for high school after you're a couple weeks in." He says when he pops his head into my room.

I give him a nod and shower. As I'm laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, I remember the boy with the blue eyes and think about how perfect this year is going to be. It'll be everything I've ever wished for. At least that's what I thought.

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