Chapter 5

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The day goes by rather quickly and before I know it I am being pushed and shoved out of my last period. I somehow make my way to my locker and see Grace already waiting for me.

"You survived your first day of school... like ever!! Congrats!" She basically screams at me.

I give her a quick nod.

"What's wrong? Is high school not as awesome and... well as high school musical as you thought it would be?" She asks with an exaggerated pouty face.

"I guess... I mean I was expecting a little more from it." I get what I need from my locker and then Grace and I start walking to the front of the school. As soon as we walk out the main entrance, we are greeted by what Grace calls the Pops. They basically rule the school. I guess that's one part of high school that you see in the movies.

"Just keep your head down and avoid eye contact." Grace whispers to me as we approach the group of barbie doll girls.

We keep walking and I keep my head low and avoid eye contact, just like Grace said. As soon as I start to think we're a safe distance away, I hear a high-pitched, girly voice call from behind us.

"Oh, now you didn't think you could walk by unnoticed, now did you, you little whore?"

"Dammit. Stay out of this, Caroline." Grace mumbles to me right before she turns around to face her insulter.

"Are you talking to me?" Grace responds with much more confidence than I would've had, since basically the whole school is watching.

"You know exactly who I'm talking to. You really think you can mess with me and get away with it. Your life is over, slut."

"You know what, Rebecca." Grace advances towards the girl whose name seems to be Rebecca. I follow her and for some reason I feel my confidence level rising. The other students seem to have forgotten about the rude comment and have returned to their conversations. I guess this kind of thing happens often. The only person I see looking straight at me is the one and only. Blue-eyed boy. Seeing his brilliant blue eyes spikes my confidence even higher for some untold reason.

"Oh please. What are you gonna do?" Rebecca retorts.

"I don't think you should be worried about what she's gonna do, but about what I am." I say with a deadly glare.

"Oh and who are you? The pig's sidekick? Well it looks like the both of you will be rolling in the mud anyways."

Almost instantly after the words leave her mouth two girls advance and push both, Grace and I down. We fall down and start to tumble down one of the small, but steep hills littering the front campus. Green and blue and green and blue flash in my vision and right when I feel like I'm going to pass out, I hit something. Or more like someone. My instinct is to get up, but I realize that the person I hit fell on top of me. They scramble to get themselves up and they put their hands on both sides of my head and push up. I follow the muscular arms up until I lock eyes with an incredibly handsome looking guy. We stare at each other for a few seconds before coming to our senses. He quickly gets up and hurries to help me up. I begin to mumble apologies, one after the other. He hurriedly grabs the books and papers that I had dropped in the fall and hands them to me.

"I'm sorry about that..." He says and gives me a glittering smile. "The name's James. And you are?"

"Caroline. Caroline Josephs." I say with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you, Caroline Josephs. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah. See ya." I say and walk past him.

I notice Grace being helped up by Jeremy who is, casually and very happily, sticking his middle finger up at Rebecca, who remains at the top of the hill. She rolls her eyes and turns to socialize with her group, as if nothing happened. I walk over to where Grace and Jeremy are standing and Jeremy glances up at me.

"Hey are you alright, Caroline?" Jeremy asks and Grace gives me a look of concern as she brushes dirt off of her jeans.

"I'm fine, but who the hell is that?" I remark.

Grace gives me a look that my dad gives me when I do something wrong. "I told you not to get involved, Care. Her name is Rebecca Brown. She is the ultimate queen of the school and Jeremy here was her boyfriend. Hence the reason she hates my guts. I stole her man." She looks up at Jeremy and they immediately begin making out and I find that as my queue to leave.

"Alright. I'm gonna go now, Grace. Bye guys..." I say awkwardly.

"Goofbye Carem." Grace let's out in between kisses.

Now not only do I have a friend that has a mortal enemy that's queen for the school, but I'm also kinda third-wheeling. My dad's car pulls into the big loop that goes by the front of the school for parents to come pick up their kids. I start walking towards the car and something catches my eye. I look just above and behind the car and notice the blue-eyed boy staring at me, once again. Any other person that would be staring at me would creep me out, but there's something different about this one. Locking onto his bright eyes, I get this weird feeling inside my chest, kind of like the feeling right before a shake... The feeling takes over and before I know it, I'm consumed by darkness.

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