Chapter 7

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My father interrupts our moment by bursting through the door with a giant blueberry muffin in his hand. He stops in his tracks when he realizes he was interrupting. 

"Oh, I'm sorry guys... I've got good news." He mentions and tries to change the subject. At this point, James has already scooted away from me." The doctors say you can leave whenever you feel like it. Everything is signed and it's just up to you at this point."

"I can help you get Caroline home safely, Mr. Josephs. I mean, only if you want me to. I don't want to impose." James says politely to my dad and my jaw drops slightly.

"Well... I mean it wouldn't hurt to have some help." This must be one of the best days in my entire freaking life.

My dad begins to collect the mini mess he's made in his corner of the hospital room. James looks at me and gestures for me to stand up. I gave him a short nod and the sweetest smile I can come up with. He stands up and I flip the blanket off of my legs. He holds out his hand and I take it as he supports my stance. 

"You good?" James asks.

"Never better. Can you just grab my stuff while I change out of this hospital gown? Oh and turn around when I walk away. I don't need to be flashing you just yet." I hear my dad choke on his muffin as soon as the words come out of my mouth and I instantly regret it. I still giggle as I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom to change.

I walk out of the bathroom to find my dad and James talking sports. "Alright, this is not okay?"

"You know, Care Bear, this gentleman has a very good interest in sports. That is a very good thing to have." James smiles at my dad's compliment.

"Well, are we getting out of this hell hole or not?" I ask with a roll of my eyes. James hands me my phone and grabs my hand as he heads toward the door. I look up at him and smile. How did this all happen so quickly? Well, I'm not complaining... We walk through the depressing hallways and wave to the nurses, as we always do when we leave. When we're about to reach the elevator, a boy pushing a cart comes around the corner. When he notices me, he stops for a second and then continues his walk past us with nothing but a quick nod. I follow him down the hallway completely dumbfounded. This kid keeps popping up everywhere I go. Is he stalking me? Or is it just some coincidence?

"Care? You okay?" James's voice snaps me out of my trance. 

"Um, yeah. I'm fine." We walk into the elevator as James gives me a confused look. He doesn't continue to bug me about it. I don't know what I would've said if he did. Oh it's just this kid that somewhat caused my shake and stalks me, but don't worry about it.

"Hey James, did you drive here or...?" My dad interrupts the silence, once again.

"My mom dropped me off. I was planning on helping you take Caroline home, so I planned ahead." He flashes me his legendary smile. I smile faintly back at him, still overwhelmed with Luke's appearance in the hall.

The car ride home passes quickly. My dad and James make small talk, but I was lost in my thoughts for most of the way... Do I like James? Do I like that guy? How could I like that guy, if I don't even know his name? There is something about him... The brightness in his eyes, but the pain in his face just doesn't quite match. 

"Caroline? You alright there? You've been awfully quiet the whole drive." My dad questions.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just a little tired. You'd think I would be very hyper after getting out of a place where you basically sleep all day." I laugh and try to cover up what I'm truly thinking about.

"So when are you going back to school?" James turns to face me in the back seat.

"I should be back tomorrow. That's if I don't get another one." I respond.

"Now, Caroline, you can't ever think like that. You always have to hope for the better." My dad jumps in.

"And prepare for the worst..." I add. James looks at me and gives me a look of pity that I don't quite appreciate, but accept. I've had to be understanding of everyone's pity, since I was little. People don't know how else to respond to something that they don't understand. James is here for me and not many people are willing to do that. James slowly places his hand above mine and that warm fiery feeling just spreads through my arm. I look out my the window to avoid James seeing me smiling from ear to ear.

We pull into the driveway of my house and James jumps out of his seat and runs around the car to open the door for me. My dad stops and gives him a look of approval, as he offers me his hand and helps me climb out of the car. He stays holding my hand gently as we walk to the front door. My dad opens the door and lets us walk inside first. James lets go of my hand and grabs my bag from my father's hands.

"I can take that, Mr. Josephs. Do you want me to take this to your room?" James asks.

"Sure. Thank you." I flash him a sweet smile.

As I lead him James down the hall to my room, my dad says, "The door stays open, alright?"

"No problem, Mr. Josephs." James replies enthusiastically. 

When we enter my beach-themed room, James carefully places my bag on the floor by my bookshelf. He stands up and looks around, admiring my room. This is our first time being alone since the kiss in the hospital room. I take a seat on my bed and watch him as he looks at my old baby pictures.

"I must say, you just may have been cuter when you were a baby." He turns and giggles.

"Yup. Pretty sure I was."  I smile back at him.

James moves closer to me and takes a seat on my bed beside me. He leans in and I instinctively imitate his movements. 

When he pulls away he slyly mentions, "I've been waiting to do that since your dad so rudely interrupted us." He smiles.

"Are you staying for dinner?" I ask.

"Nope, I actually need to get going. My mom is probably wanting me back by now. I texted her before we got here, so she should be here soon. But before I leave, I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"What is it?"

"It's about that kid that we saw at the hospital. I saw you two looking at each other right before you had your seizure and then he pops up at the same hospital you were at afterwards? Is there something going on between you two or something?" James rants.

"I've seen him around school and that's it. There's nothing you should worry about. I don't even know who he is." 

"If you say so... I'll see you tomorrow, Caroline." James leaves and I hear the front door open and close.

"But I want to..." 

Simply OrdinaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora