Chapter 6

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My eyes flutter open and I take a deep breath of much-needed air. The bright lights of a much-too-familiar hospital room blind my vision. As my eyes begin to adjust to the unforgiving lights, a couple of hovering heads come into view. I recognize Grace, Jeremy, and my dad looking down upon me.

"Hey baby girl. How are you doing?"

"A little groggy... Did they put me on that stupid medicine again?" I ask.

"Yes. Same routine." My dad mumbles. I notice Jeremy and Grace standing on the opposite side of the hospital bed.

"Hey guys. You didn't have to come." I say with a small smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, if just about my only girlfriend drops in the middle of the parking lot I'm totally not going to see what's wrong with her." Grace's voice is thick with sarcasm. I giggle at her expression. "I am so glad you're okay." She closes me in an embrace.

When Grace releases me, Jeremy finally speaks up, "I am glad you're feeling better, but why didn't you tell us you were epileptic? We could've helped."

"Jeremy! She doesn't have to tell us anything. We literally just met her today." Grace scolds her boyfriend.

"No... He has a point. I shouldn't have kept something like that away from you guys. I'm sorry. If you want to leave now, you can. I understand." I mumble disappointingly.

"Are you insane?! Why the hell would we leave you now?" Grace screams and my dad is startled. Jeremy sticks his head out of the door and looks both ways to make sure no one heard Grace, as well, before closing the door. I look up at her and give her a grateful smile. I have never had a girlfriend like Grace and I can't think of someone better to be my first.

"Anyways, how long have I been in here?" 

"Well, you had the seizure yesterday and-"

"Shakes. I call them shakes. It sounds nicer." I cut Grace mid-sentence.

"You had the... shake yesterday, so you've missed one day of school. But don't worry, you can make up everything you've missed. I'm sure the teachers would understand. Its the first week of school anyways, so we haven't done much in any classes." Grace rambles. I take a glance at the clock and it reads 6:46 pm. 

"You guys should go home. Its dinner time and you guys should be with your families, not at a depressing hospital." I tell them, even though I would much rather be in their company.

"My mom did want me home by 7... Are you sure you won't be lonely if we leave?" Grace asks me with a genuine look of concern on her face.

"Naw, I'll be fine. Its not like I haven't been in this situation plenty of times before. I really appreciate you guys coming though. It means a lot." I smile and wave at them as they head towards the door.

Right as Grace is about to step out of the room, she turns back and says one final thing. "James caught you yesterday, by the way. He caught you right before you hit the ground."


I guess I didn't really think about what happened to me when I actually passed out from the shake, until Grace said what she said. He caught me. He saved me. That's all that keeps echoing in my head, as I drift into sleep. 

The creak of the hospital room door wakes me and I see a nurse walking poking her head in.

"Good morning, Miss Josephs. I am very sorry to wake you, but we have to complete our morning rounds. Do you mind if I complete a quick exam?" The nurse asks with a kind and gentle tone. I smile at her, trying to hide my annoyance at the usual early morning routine, and sit up. When she turns the blinding lights of the room on, my dad jolts awake from the small recliner by the window. 

"Caroline?!" He yells, his voice still groggy.

"I am very sorry for waking you, sir. I just have to complete a quick exam and I'll be out of your way." The nurse says, a little timid from my dad's sudden awakening. 

"Oh... sorry." He mumbles and settles back into his chair.

I am still picturing the dramatic scene of James catching me as I fall, by the time the nurse finishes. I only wish my own eyes would've been open to witness it all.  

The nurse takes a look at her watch. "Well, you should be out of here by 2 pm, if all your blood work comes back okay, so just hang in there while we wait for that. Okay?"

"Yup. Thanks." I mumble, not trying to hide any of my annoyance at this point. I grab the remote ad turn the TV on. Phineas and Ferb on Disney Channel pops up. Is that damn show always on? Just as I'm about to change the channel, there's a knock on the door. My dad looks up from signing papers and yells at the person to come in. The door cracks open and my mouth drops when I notice who it is. 

James's beautiful body stands in the doorway and he smiles kindly at me and then quickly directs his attention towards my father.

"Hello, Mr. Josephs. I thought it would be nice if I visited. I didn't want Caroline to be all alone after going through what she went through." He says politely and shakes my dad's hand.

"Oh well that's very thoughtful of you, James. I'm sure Caroline will definitely appreciate your consideration. I was just going to head to the cafeteria now, so I'll be right back." My dad says awkwardly and leaves. I don't know whether to be grateful or angry at my father for leaving me alone with James. 

"So how are you feeling? I'm sorry for not visiting yesterday-"

I cut him off, "No. Don't worry about it and I'm feeling great. Same old, same old."

He looks up at me and smiles. He walks towards me and sits at the foot of the bed. My foot is now pressing against his back and I don't know whether to move it or not. He turns and looks at the TV and I take it as my chance to fix my bed head hair. 

"Phineas and Ferb, huh?" He asks.

"Its the first thing that came up." I shrug my shoulders.

"Used to be my favorite when I was little. It just annoys the crap out of me now." He says and scoots closer. His back is now pressing against my knee. I look down to hide the heat that I feel spreading across my cheeks.

"I don't like it very much either. Do you watch TLC? Or National Geographic?" I ask and grab the remote again.

"Sure. Whatever you want." He says and scoots even closer, still looking up at the TV. I don't know if I should be feeling uncomfortable at his close proximity, but something about James's presence makes me feel safe. I hesitantly change the channel and place my hand at my side, centimeters away from James's. We both watch quietly. After a few minutes, I decide to break the awkward silence.

"I never thanked you, you know." 

"For what?" He asks, his voice is deep and raspy, as if he's whispering. Now he is sitting directly next to me, so that his face is inches from mine.

"You caught me when I fainted." I look up into his eyes beautiful gray eyes. He leans in and it's as if my movements go into autopilot. My eyes close and I feel his lips against mine. We go perfectly together, as if we were the last two pieces of an unfinished puzzle. He pulls away from me gently and rests his forehead against mine. 

"It was my pleasure to catch you, in more ways than one."

It was extremely fun writing this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it! I really want to know what you guys think about it and I'm curious as to who you guys ship together!! Leave a comment on who you ship more: Jaroline or Jace?? Love you guys <3


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