Blue | Percy Jackson One Shot

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(A/N: hey... I know you guys probably hate me RN. IM SO SORRY IM NOT DEAD I PROMISE! It's just I've had no idea what to write lately (I'm begging you to give me suggestions), and I wrote this for Percy Jackson's birthday for my friend Leah, so if you're in the PJO fandom I hope you like this! Also, yes, my name is Grey ;) )

Grey's POV

"Happy birthday, horse whisperer." I smiled at my big brother as I approached him.

"Thanks, pageant princess." He cracked a smirk as he saw the hatred cross my face.

"Shut up!" I jokingly push him to the side in mock offense.

"Aw, come 'ere Grey!" He wrapped me up in a hug, and I didn't refuse. I laughed it off and started towards the kitchen table, setting my bright blue gift bag on top of it.

"Hey, where'd you go earlier?" He asked from the fridge.

"Starbucks," I held up the cup to show him, quickly taking a swig. "and the store to get you a birthday card."

"That should've only taken you like, 15 minutes." He called from inside the fridge. I could hear him rummaging around for gods know what, anything blue.

"Hey, no one ever said picking out a birthday card was easy. You got the annoying as fuck singing ones that are only funny if they're relevant, and then you got the cheesy ass ones that are painfully cliché." I took another swig of my coffee, plopping down onto our leather couch. "There's no in between." Percy's head popped up, scurrying away from the fridge and to the chair opposite me. He carried a blue soda, completing the action.

"WHEN are they going to get here?!" He whined.

"They still have like 5 minutes." I rolled my eyes at the grown adult, can you believe he's older than me?

"That's too longgg!" He moaned, a frown forming on his already miserable face. I sat down next to him in the chair, resting my elbow on his shoulder. "Leah would've driven up with me but she had a riding lesson and you know how much she needs those." I laughed at my own comment. "You would think a daughter of Athena would be smart enough to not let go of the reigns." Percy continued to look forlorn, and I didn't like it.

"Come on Perc," I smiled at him and pinch his cheek, knowing all too well the only way to get Percy to feel better was to get his mind off whatever was upsetting him. "you know it depends on whether they took 1 or 2 cars." He thought for a moment, cocking his head. "... Or if Leah and Jason are in the same car." I added.

"TRUE." He laughed. Not too long after, Leah burst through the door.

"What's goin on fam?" She smiled as Percy came running, leaving me sprawled out on the chair.

"Hey!" I caught up with him and moved him out of the way. "My best friend!" I smacked his hands away as I gave her a quick hug before leaving them to each other. I watched as he snaked his hands around her waist and beamed as he held her. "Hey we don't do that!" Leah squealed at Percy's arms which were quickly sliding down her figure, accepting his touch nevertheless. I turned my attention to Amy, who was sporting her boyfriend on her arm proudly. She really should be proud. I mean, no one ever thought that Amy Miller, daughter of Apollo, would end up with Michael Clifford, son of Demeter. No one ever thought that me, a daughter of Aphrodite would end up with a scruffy son of Hephaestus either so, same. After complaining for at least 10 more minutes I talked to Amy and Mikey until I saw an olive skinned boy with scruffy brown hair that rested in every which way appear in the door.

"The party can start now." He stated, earning a laugh from our friends. "You're such a dork." I rolled my eyes at him as he began towards me. He pulled me up by my hands and placed them around his neck. "But I'm your dork." He corrects, leaning in towards me and ghosting his lips on mine. I saw Percy give Leo a death stare from where he was greeting Hazel and Frank.

"Quit being a fucking tease and get off me before a pipe bursts." Leo laughed at my wittiness before affectionately pecking my lips, which I happily obliged to. "This is what I'm here for!" I smiled.

Leah's POV

"How's your birthday been so far, water boy?" I asked my aquatic boyfriend who was sitting at the kitchen table with me.

"As good as a birthday can get after my 12th." I giggled at him and gazed around the room. None of us being party people, we just stayed inside playing board games and drinking nectar.

"Have you noticed..." I trailed off just to savor the moment. Amy had fallen asleep early, her and Michael a mess of limbs on the couch. Next to them was Jason with Reyna on his lap, looking quite intent. Hazel and Frank laid together on the floor buried in pillows, Frank drooling while Hazels eyes flickered back and forth from the Marvel movie to him. And then there was Leo with Grey's head in his lap, playing with her hair as both of their attention was on the tv. "that no matter how different we all are, we're still inseparable?" Percy nodded, his eyes on our friends too.

"Have you noticed that we've all found our other half?" I cocked my head at him in confusion. "Whether Zeus actually did separate us all and send us our different ways or not, we still found each other." I thought for a moment before returning my gaze to the content looking son of Poseidon, perched comfortably on a kitchen chair licking cake frosting from his fingers.

"The guys fucking psycho." Jason replied nonchalantly, not taking his attention away from the movie. "He would so do something like that." Percy and I looked at each other, attempting to contain a laugh so we wouldn't wake any one up.

"Jason, that's you dad..." I grinned. He just shrugged as Percy and I erupted into giggles.

That morning I woke up to Leo the big spoon, Amy still lost in limbs but now covered in nectar, and a swimming pool underneath Frank's mouth.

Emotion - One Shot Book (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora