We Can | Jackxpenn One Shot

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Jacks POV

I was going to do it. I was going to tell Jenn I liked her. No your not! My mind shot thoughts back at me. You're right. I surrender to them. That's right. You don't have the guts. My mind always told me, and every time I believed it, this time being no different. My phone vibrated against the table, interrupting the conversation I was having with my conscience. I unlocked it and went to messages immediately, seeing it was Jenn. Almost there! I smiled and then immediately frowned in defeat realizing I didn't have the guts.

Jenns POV

I walked into the O2L house, excited to see Jack. "Jack!" I exclaimed seeing him at the table.

"Jenn!" A look of relief spread across his face. I walked over to give him hug, realizing how much I missed him as we touched. I had to tell him. I didn't care if I got rejected or what state it would leave our friendship in, I only cared where it would leave the fab5. Would they approve? Would we stay friends? I asked myself these questions a lot, and I always came up with the same answer; no. But as we stood there, just staring, I knew I had to tell him. And even though I tell myself I can't, I can.

Jacks POV

Jenn pulled me aside awhile later. She quietly shut the door to Kian's room, then turned to me. Tell her! My heart told me. Don't tell her! My mind countered. I stood silently in front of my best friend, trying to fight back against my thoughts and work up the courage. I made a split second decision for myself, tuning out the whispers. "Jenn," I blurt breaking the silence. She looked at me, tilting her head as if to work out my facial features. I took her hands in mine and breathed in, hoping it would help with the anxiety. "I've been wanting to tell you, but my mind kept telling me I couldn't." I say, trying to be cautious.

"I've been trying to tell you something too, but I've been telling myself I couldn't." She replied.

"Then let's tell them we can." I offer. She nods, gesturing for me to continue. "I like you. A lot." I breathe a sigh of relief, having conquered my thoughts:

"I like you a lot too." Jenn said.

"I might..." I started.

"Love you?" Jenn finished. We can.

(2017 a/n: this was actually the single worst piece I've ever written (and the worst to revise because it's not even literate wtf) and if you read this when it was uploaded bless you for putting up with this shit.)

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