Chapter 3: protegee

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The moment I took his hand the world fell into darkness, he began leading me toward an unknown destination, I felt adrift in his dark world, I felt unsteady on my feet, I wasn't sure what surface I walking upon but it was no longer the grass, I looked to him he was on a mission his eyes set forth, I loosened my grip on his hand almost slipping my hand free "I wouldn't do that if I were you, this is an unforgiving place and you could not navigate it alone, I am not the only one who dwells here dark spirits wishing to possess a body would gladly evict you"

I grasped for his hand before it fell from my grip and I was lost to this dark abyss, it was like navigating in thick black smog, no air yet I could breathe, the necromancer was my anchor in this realm or plane, wherever here was, it was truly hidden and secret from the world I knew to be reality. He pulled me toward a door that materialized suddenly, pulling me inside a dank and dark dwelling, I could only assume was what he called home, no comforts of a normal home like heat or light, he must of decided I could function without both or I would have to learn how, the cold seeped through and under the skin chilling to the bone, and the atmosphere had an oppressive air, I could felt the dark spirits were lurking in the shadow hoping to snatch me, but the darkness seemed to flee from the necromancer, so even shadow feared this man and I was alone with him, I did not know why I wasn't more afraid, when I looked to him there was a fear but there was another feeling that would not reveal itself to me.

He led me toward another door, leading me down a long staircase, into a well-stocked room with an eerie green glow, books, and jars of all shapes and sizes I did not care to guess as to what horrors lay within all of them, I felt drawn to the green flame, I walked over to the source, watching it dance, I tentatively reached out my hand only to have it snatched away "like a moth to the flame of darkness, this fire is dangerous, it will not only burn but consume you to brighten itself, you are here to learn not touch"

He released my hand, I pulled it to my side obediently and looked to him awaiting instruction, he walked over to his collection on books, scanning the titles before grabbing one with enthusiasm. I hadn't realized I was leaning upon a desk until he pulled out an uncomfortable wooden chair noisily and ask me to sit placing the book in front of me.

I opened the book carefully it looked old and delicate, I could not read the writing in front of me, it had to be another language, I looked up at him puzzled, he looked disappointed "Can you not pass the incantation to read it?"

"No I cannot, is it not another language?"

"No it is protected from the eyes of the unworthy, I will return when you can read it"

He walked away into the darkness disappearing from sight, I sat in the green glow staring intently at the page my eyes straining after the first hour, my eyes burned, frustrated and fed up I closed my tired eyes rubbing them gently, muttering some unknown words in my haze, when I opened my eyes once more I could read it, it was a book on blood magic and its spells, I marveled at how clear it was, I gasped audibly.

I heard footsteps behind me swift "can you read it?"

"Yes I can" I said sounding quite proud of myself.

"You are a quick study my dear, we will soon test your powers and see how powerful you really are"

That statement chilled me as I realized I had told him I was powerful how would he react to finding out I was a mere novice who was clueless to the ways of blood magic, I didn't care to think about it as if I did I would certainly blow my cover with my sudden lack of confidence. I prayed I had half of my mother's magical ability as it seemed I did not possess my father's warrior instinct's, all his teachings were lost upon me the moment I was in true mortal danger, so I had failed both of my parents in one failed swoop, now I couldn't fail the necromancer as I did believe the result would be a painful look of disappointment, I imagined he would throw me to the dark spirits of this plane and let them tear me apart.

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