Chapter 8: The truth will not set you free

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I had spent a long night ruminating on my foolish behaviour, thinking can become a dangerous pass time if abused it can force a mind into irrationality, i couldn't focus as I felt like the walls were closing in on me, my mind raced as I continued to berated myself for not listening to the necromancer.

I pressed my head against the cold wall of my cell, a agonising fury and shame took me and in a irrational reflex I smashed my head solidly against the wall, the pain radiating through my head, it subsided the agony flowing through my pained tears, in the depths of dispair that I had fallen weighed upon me heavily, I struggled to breathe.

I took a deep breath trying to bring myself back to a rational state of mind but I felt like I was drowning, the panic and alarm held me deep under. My head throbbed bringing me back to the moment, i looked around my small cell, taking another breath i tried desperately to calm down I did not want the necromancer to come to my rescue, I had to get myself into this mess I would not drag others into it especially him.

A flash of bitter anger stung me as I recalled the betrayal of Kian, my mind turned to wicked thoughts surely there was some way to use this to my advantage, I could seduce Kian but in my current state it may not work so well, I surveyed my torn muddy clothes and felt my matted unkempt hair knowing I must be a sight.

I tried to concentrate on the necromancer this only increased the pain shooting through my head.

Kian returned his smile did nothing to calm my fears, my alarm grew "You wouldn't believe it of all the luck they stumble upon your wicked master asleep in the forest"

My eyes widened i had thought he was out of sight and safe, I had played this all wrong and now everyone was paying the price, I felt sick to my stomach, my paniced gaze remained upon Kian who called them to drag him in to the opposite cell "Aww look the lovers are reunited for one final night" he laughed cruelly before storming out of the prison.

The necromancer pulled himself up dusting off his armour, pulling the gag from my mouth, "I thought you were safe, I am so sorry, I am a fool"

"Calm down Keyra, realising what you had done, I let them find me so I could do what I planned to, clear your name so you can live in your own realm with what passes as a normal life"

"No I told you I will not go along with this"

"And I told you, you wouldn't have a choice"

"We can both leave we are powerful enough"

"Yes but where would we go?, other realms have their own laws and things work differently, some more dangerous than others, none are designed to support mortal life, they have their own forms of life which live differently, so here is safer for you and here you can live the longest and happiest life"

"But I will not be happy without you, I brought you into my life and I want you to stay in it"

"I know" he whispered "I will return to you trust me"

"Oi" the jailor bellowed "Don't be getting too friendly you're here for crimes against nature so your time should be spent thinking on that"

The necromancer laughed to himself "some humans are so convinced they understand the world and yet their narrow minds close off such a realm of possibilities, magic should not be feared and outlawed it should be revered and taught to all those with the mind for it, I know its not just dark magic that was outlawed, that's why they killed your parents"

"What?" I had never known of their fate I had been told so many tales I had never been able to decipher the truth from the lies.

"They were abominations those two, the apple don't fall far from the tree now does it"

"Yes your mother offered to heal a man she used magic they cried witch and dragged her to this cell, as they were about to drag her to her death, your father charged in and wouldn't allow it so they killed him to, thankfully you were not witnesses to this nightmare"

"Is this true?" I questioned.

The jailor looked long and hard at me before adding "Yeah that's about right I reckon, I didn't do the executing mind, young master Kian's father dealt with that"

I couldn't process what I was hearing, I could only hear the blood pumping loudly in my ears as my rage grew, I wanted to tear this place down and face that two faced son of a bitch, he must of known what his father did, not only did he keep it from me but he befriended me in my grief the little worm, I seethed at his hypocrisy, calling the necromancer a danger when his father was guilty of murder, I do not care how justified they felt, they had innocent blood upon their hands.

"How long have you known?" I turned to the necromancer.

"I saw it as I touched these bars, one of my many talents, a death echo or memory lingers upon the deathbed, and sadly your father died here in the arms of your mother"

"Oh dear god, history repeats its self, I finally find love and I am to die before I can know its joy"


"Yes what would you call it?"

"I just had never heard you say it"

"I know it hasn't been long and it seems rushed but I would give my life for you"

"So you understand why I must do this"

"Just because I understand doesn't mean I agree with it, I said I would die for you I would never want the same of you, I could not bare it"

"And you think I could?"

"No but love is selfish, I will not see it come to pass"

"I told you, you will have no choice"

"Bloody hell you two and your feelins, got a mind to gag you both"

"Touch her and I will kill you"

"No need for threats sir just don't want to suffer your drama is all"

"Fine I shall remove your hearing"

With that the jailor ran out screaming of how the evil sorcerer had taken his hearing, this amused the necromancer, he turned back to me smiling "Alone at last"

"We must escape"

"And what spend your life on the run?, that is no life"

"we cant stay here, I don't want to be in such a cruel society, killing people for their gifts, my parents were innocent, we stay they will kill us both"

"I will take all of the blame"

"They wont care, its obvious Kian will not protect me as I had hoped"

"I am sorry, I warned you of his intent for you"

"Are you seriously sneaking in a very polite I told you so?"

"I would not dream of it" He smirked.

"What should we do?" I looked to him searching for answers.

Dark magicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora