Chapter 6: The mortal realm

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I had to put on damaged clothes and boots, covering enough, with my cloak it would have to suffice for its purpose, and sneak away. I knew returning the mortal realm would be a mistake but I had to discover a way back without the necromancer, I would not risk him to save myself, I have a darkness within me but it does not define me or every action I take, I did both wrong and right, good and evil dwell in my heart and for now the loudest voice was good. I skulked in darkness in his basement reading sparingly of other realms, I found I would need an anchor as power to walk in this realm safely but what other than the necromancer I was unsure as to what would be powerful enough.

I had to research as fast as I could before he discovered me, I was running against the clock, I had once thrived upon pressure but now it only served to raise my anxiety, making it more difficult to think clearly, so I concluded that I should I just chance it, not a well thought out conclusion but all I had time for, a noise flooded my ears as I continued to read, clocks ticking loudly echoing around me growing louder, so loud I held to my ears protectively, this was serving as a reminder that my time was running short, the pressure was tight around my chest as it pained and strained with each breath, I could barely hear him searching for me upstairs, I strained to hear anything beyond the ticking clocks. I attempted to sneak up the stairs back toward the way out.

I knew I had to do this alone, so I edged quietly toward that door still holding to my ears, I feared what was on the other side of it, I had heard the whispers of those dark spirits that dwelled here and they frightened me, their thoughts twisted and poisonous, I would imagine if you were subject to this for a long time your mind would surely warp. I held to the handle hesitating, the clocks fell in with the back ground noise, as looking back one last time, as I stepped out I heard his voice "No don't go out there"

The ticking clocks silenced as the trap had been set and I had stepped into it swiftly, the darkness surrounded me, I heard the accusing voices of my parents, their disappointment, it hurt to hear the words in their voices but I knew it was not them so I forced my way forward, creating the green flame in my hand to ward back the darkness. The inability to see here was a small blessing as once illuminated these hellish beings motioned threateningly toward me, screeching and howling in an inhuman manner and octave upon touching the light, I barely managed to fight the reflex to cover my ears, the pain burned through my ear canal.

They finally began to hold back at the boarder of the light glaring with unforgiving eyes, such hate and madness burned in their eyes, I could barely breath, my lungs were heavy, struggling more for each breath the further I pulled from the necromancers escape, I dragged my feet forward, verbal threats and taunts echoed from all around me, I looked to my feet focusing only upon my motion, I could not block out their foul words, as tears escaped my eyes but I kept moving. The green flame flickered and dulled in my hand I began to run hastily forward fearing the darkness closing in on me, I did not even know where I was running to so I focused my thoughts upon home, the darkness closed in and I thought I am doomed, my heart pounding heavily as the light disappeared and the angry spirits closed around me, I felt them clawing at my skin, as I fell to the floor, I felt coldness run through me.

I had been foolish to navigate a dark realm alone but despite my stupidity I knew why I had done it, to avoid what now had come to pass, the necromancer held me in his arms leading us out back to the mortal realm, the thirst, hunger and tiredness took hold before I could scold him for following me, I slipped into a deep sleep. I woke from a vivid dream, I dreamt of how things could be and I smiled before the reality took hold and brought visions of mobs of villagers calling for our heads, torches and pitchforks talking of us like we were monsters.

"Are we monsters?"

"You are not; I cannot say so for myself maybe that is the title I earned from the massacre I wrought in the name of vengeance"

"I do not think this of you"

"Then why ask?"

"I fear that is what I may become, I have always feared this, bad things happen to bad people right?"

"No they happen to everyone, where is this all coming from?"

"I hate to sound scared but I am afraid of what or who I am maybe the villagers were right, I am an abomination, I chose to practice dark magic despite my parent's warnings, it just intrigued me and now I have ruined your life in the process"

"My life was sadly already in ruin, you have brought a light to my darkness"

A wave of emotion flooded my eyes "I didn't want you to follow me, I don't want you hurt more than you already are, not for me"

"What are you to do here then forever live on the run from the wrath of your village?"

"I do not know what to do I am afraid but I fear for you more"

"I am a force to be reckoned with my dear, I can look after myself"

I fixed him with a harsh glare "Do nothing unwise, please"

We were forced to walk around to find a village and stealthily look for some minor provisions before we should starve or die of thirst, I borrowed clothes for myself as we stoal what we could carry quietly pulling away into the night unseen, we ate and drank taking the edge off the dizzying hunger, and the clothes, a dress made for a barmaid, the necromancer actually laughed and it sounded like a foreign sound escaping his lips as he choked upon it but continued to snort at my attire, it was nice to see him amused, I curtsied for effect, eliciting raucous laughter as he got the hang of the sound, for a moment his eyes shone brown until they darkened again.

We camped away from the town, a distance to remain unseen, this time at least I had the body heat of the necromancer to feel some comfort it, in his arms I felt strange yet safe, I drifted off.

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