Chapter 2- The News

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Ian Hecox
I grabbed the baseball bat that was in the porch, just incase the person at the door was one of our neighbours. My hand was on the doorknob when I realized I was still in my boxers. "Ian that was close." I chuckled and went back up to my room and hauled on a pair of jeans. Damnit, they're too big for my new womanly figure.
"Anthony, I think we're going to have to go shopping." I called downstairs and grabbed a belt.
"That should be fun." My friend called back with a laugh.
I opened the door, bat in hand. The person waved and I smacked him in the head.
"Owww, Ian what was that for.?" Asked a high pitched annoying voice.
I realized it was just Stevie. "Oh shit, sorry Stevie." I helped him up.
"What happened to you guys?"
A boy with a propeller hat popped his head around the doorway. It was Billy. He looked at Anthony and I.
"We woke up like thissssss." Anthony sang with a chuckle.
I laughed, noticing 'she' referenced Beyonce's song Flawless.
"Oh boy another adventure." Billy grinned, plopping on the infamous love seat.
I nodded. "Why are you guys here anyways?" I asked.
"To tell you guys that Antoinette is back in down." Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig replied, crawling out of the little boy's pocket.
Oh fuck.
Anthony looked at me, knowing exactly what I was thinking.
"I haven't seen her since well........ I dumped her." I replied with a gulp.
"And the break up ended on a bad note." Anthony added.
"You guys make hot girls." Stevie randomly butted in.
"SHUT UP STEVIE!" We all replied in unison.
"Would that be gay?" Charlie asked.
"Anyways, back to the fact that Anthony's sister is back in Sacramento. She stopped me when I was on the way home from school." Billy said, hauling a flipboard out of the closet.
Since when did we have one of those?
"Antoinette asked me where the Smosh House was, I'm guessing she forgot." He shrugged. "She looked angry and hell bent, so naturally I didn't tell her."
I smiled, the kid has come a long way form the idiot in our second adventure. I'm proud of Billy.
"This this really sexy metal girl pushed him over and they left, muttering I'll fin got myself." My pet added, finishing the story.
I thought for a moment. A hot piece of metal. I know exactly what was with Antoinette.
"The robots were biotches." I said.
Anthony nodded. "How the fuck did my sister get a hold of those old things?"
The team shrugged their shoulders.
"Anyways, if we're going to be girls we might as well dress the part to avoid questions." My friend sighed.
Billy laughed. "Can I-?"
"Yes you can come." I replied before the kid could finish the question. "Stevie, you stay here and keep the house locked. Don't let anyone in or answer any doors. Got it?"
"Sure thing Ian." Stevie answered with a drool filled grin.
"Let's go." Anthony chuckled and got the keys.

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