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I think everyone looks at the world
And sees something different

I see how the plates came together
And created towering mountains
How the plates came apart
And made the deep valleys
How new earth spills from the cracks
In the land
And forms the islands we vacation to

Some see the beauty of the sky
And how the jewels of the sky twinkle
With the reflection of the moon
They stargaze, and ponder of the
Universes creation
And how everything came together
For us to exist

Others are in awe of civilization
Places like Greece and Egypt
Where life bursted and progress Commenced toward modern time
They see the industrialization
And how the human race has grown
They marvel at technology that
Should have never been possible

Then there are the select few
Who see the world as a unit.
The land we live on,
The newly explored space,
The development of the world
How the Earth is connected
And how people have prospered
Thanks to our discoveries and

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