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I walked down stairs with Josh close behind. It was quiet, and I bet Mom was just now making breakfast. We go to the kitchen and Mom was making scrambled eggs with bacon and buttered toast. Orange juice on the side. We sat down on the bar stools, I pipped up, "Hey mom? Is it okay if my friend Josh stays here for a few days? He has no where else to go." Mom looked at me and sighed, "Sure honey, but you are going to let him sleep in your room. Is that okay with you?" I blushed a little before replying, "Y-yeah that's fine."

As soon as we finished breakfast, Josh and I went back upstairs. I wanted to ask him about what he was dreaming about. I love you. I remembered Josh saying when he was asleep. "H-hey Josh?" I forced out. Josh turned around opening the door to my bedroom, "Yeah?" I sighed, loosing my confidence, asking another question, "Where are you going to sleep?" Dumb question. I know. "Your bed of course!" Josh replied happily walking into my room. "Well.. What about clothes? I'm smaller than you so you cant fit mine. Do you need us to go get you some?" I asked nervously.

"We can stop by at my house. Its not too far from here. I can just run in and get them before my parents even know i'm there." Josh replied. He sat on my bed looking down. I sat next to him, I'm not going to mention his dream just yet. I am going to give him some time first.

We did end up going to his house, right now in fact. We drove up to a white stone house with two cars parked in the driveway. "Are they home?" I asked Josh looking at both the cars. "Mom's usually out on a jog by now and dad's sleeping. My sisters, well I don't know what they are doing." He replied before getting out his keys and opening the car door. He went in through the front. I waited for a few minutes, starting to get impatient. I spotted Josh coming back through the door with a bag in his left hand. He put the bag in the back before getting in the car.

I turned on the engine and started off back home. Dinner would be ready in a few minutes. I thought its time to ask Josh about it. "Hey Josh?" I didn't stutter.


"Do you remember your dream from last night?"

Josh shifted in his seat. "Y-yes. W-why?"

"You said something to me this morning while I was waking you up." I pushed more so that Josh could break and tell me about his dream."W-what was it?" He asked shakily.

"You said you love me. Why? What dream were you having?"

The Jock and the Cheerleader [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now