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The day had gone by pretty plainly. They didn't do much, which gave Toby way too much thinking time. Like whether or not what he was doing was right. Or if he had committed suicide then how would it have of affected his mom. It seemed that both of life's paths would lead to destruction, whether it was his life or another's.
Lira.... He missed her. The older sister who had protected him. The one who helped with his bullies and inner demons. Now he was being helplessly attacked by himself. No one could help him, and this was how he had to live. He didn't have a choice. He didn't have any choice but to live on. If not for Lira then for mom. He couldn't wait for the day that he'd get to reunite with her.
Toby had grown weary watching the small box tv. It made his eyes tired and watery. "H-hey... I-I'm going to m-my room." He stood up and began walking down the hall. "Okay! See you tomorrow." He opened his door and peeled off his facial gear. Even with the way his face looked, the bulky googles and thick mask became irritating to wear. He'd get used to it soon, just like he'd have to get use to murdering people.
Gladly, he plopped face down on his bed. Despite the lack of quality, it felt quite comfortable. It was kind of funny though. Cash was practically laying everywhere. No doubt it was some they stole. They didn't choose to purchase stuff often though. Guess they had to keep a low profile. That and it's kind of hard to hide that you seemingly have no face or always suspiciously wear a mask.
It felt like hours had passed and he had yet to doze off. A knock sounded at his door. "Toby, are you awake?" Toby made a mhm sound which was muffled by the pillow. Whoever was at the door had heard it though because they had walked in. He turned his head facing the mirror, seeing it was Hoody who had entered. Hoody walked to Toby's bed and sat at the foot of it. Toby sat up, but stayed on the opposite end of the bed.
"Hey Toby...." He didn't seem his usual happy self. Was something wrong? Did he do something he shouldn't have? He couldn't recall if he did. "Toby, are you okay?" The question was so vague, but a wave of sorrow had hit him nonetheless. Was he okay? No you're crazy. He wasn't crazy... Surely not... "W-what do y-you mean?"
The topic was giving him a weird feeling. Like this wasn't real. He was surprised that a conversation such as this would happen with Hoody. If anything, he would have assumed this talk would have been spoken with Masky.
"Well.... After the first mission you seemed kind of down... You mumble to yourself a lot about being such a horrible person... And I just wanted to know if you were okay, and let you know you aren't doing anything wrong."
He mumbled to himself? And how was murder not wrong? Though he guessed he had to see it from their perspective. For all he knew they've been doing this their whole life.
What had he mumbled about though? He didn't remember mumbling about anything. Did he speak his thoughts aloud without realizing it? Or as it the voices? It bugged him not recall such an event.
"Toby, you there", Hoody asked waving a hand in front of Toby's vision. Apparently he had gotten lost in his thoughts. "S-sorry." He waved his hand to dismiss the apology. "No need." Toby gently swung his feet staring at them.
     "W-why do y-you d-do this?" The vagueness of it didn't affect the outcome of the answer. "Well, it's kind of just how it is you know. We all have our own reasons. Just like you... You're doing this to see your mom get better." What was his reason though? He decided not to ask considering how he responded when he asked for a proper name.
     Silence filled the air momentarily until Hoody spoke. "Toby, I'm sorry this is what it takes. But to be honest, it was good that you accepted the offer. If you didn't, you would be dead... Whether if it was from suicide or the Operator. You have a chance to live... And yeah maybe it's not an idealistic way, but the reward is worth the sacrifice."
     "Y-yeah... I g-guess you're r-right." Toby looked at Hoody and gave him the best smile he could. He still didn't feel much better about any of it, but at least he had the moral support. He could have been thrown in alone with no help, but he was here with Hoody and Masky. Could he really ask for anything more? Everything was making this 'sacrifice' seem worth it. Friends of which he would never have had before, and a cured, living mother in the end. Everything would be okay.
Sacrifice! Ha! Murderer! You're just a stupid looking, mentally ill, murderer. Bet she's already dead too! No way some entity that strong would just keep her alive in return for a weaklings help!
     Toby looked up in the mirror seeing Hoody had left. He looked to his right just to make sure. He sighed and smiled at himself. He wasn't listening to them anymore. The voices had always been wrong. They just tormented him. He was stronger then that though. He had survived this much longer hadn't he? He hadn't attempted a second suicide. Everything would be fine. Everything would be just fine.
     The words replayed in his head as he dozed into a slumber.

A/n: haha another chapter done! Don't worry there will be some more gore action soon. Like I said before, I don't want only action. I want more components to this story. Anyways, hoped you enjoyed the new chapter (and new cover hehe) have a fantabulous day ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now