The Man Under The Mask

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Toby lay in bed, drifting between being asleep and awake. The smell of the blood was getting to him. Not in a sense of sickness, but rather memory. It reminded him of the people he murdered. How many died at his hands? Well over five, that was for sure. What was he becoming? A monster. That's what you are. "No, n-no I'm n-not." He sighed to himself.
His stomach growled at him. He was pretty hungry. Maybe from all the used energy. From the murder. He sat up shaking his head free from his thoughts. Again he got his reflection in the shattered mirror. Broken, just like he was.
When Toby got up to leave, his door was left slightly ajar. Odd... He remembered closing it. Although he could recall thinking someone had opened before he fell asleep. The problem was he had no idea who.
The smell of blood followed him as he began walking to the kitchen. Maybe he should shower. What clean clothes would he have to change into though? Unless... Toby went back to his room and opened the dresser. As expected, their were sets of clothes in their. They were all the same tank top and jeans, but hey, he couldn't complain. He took a fresh pair and headed to the bathroom.
The water was cold when he first turned it on. Waiting there for a few minutes, he realized it wasn't going to get any warmer. He sighed and braced for the coldness which would soon hit his skin. It felt like ice shards paltering him, almost like standing in the rain. You could bet that he was out as fast he got in.
After getting dressed and such, he proceeded to the kitchen to do what he originally intended. To eat. He opened the fridge to reveal a jug of milk, butter, eggs, and some apples. He took out the jug and took a long swig while going over to the pantry. Inside was some flour, sugar, and the waffle cooker Hoody had used. Man they really needed to get some food. By now the milk jug was empty and he threw it away. Guess an apple would have to hold him over.
Almost finished with it, he saw Masky enter the living room. "Hey Toby." Toby continued to gnaw on his apple and just waved at him. Done with the apple his tossed it into the garbage.
     Masky sat on the couch, seemingly doing nothing. In fact, he truly wasn't doing anything. He just... Sat there... Staring at nothing. Toby walked out in front of him obscuring his view. "M-Masky... W-we need to b-buy some f-food." Toby half expected for Masky to tell him he wasn't the boss, and half expected him to keep his calm demeanor. He seemed to get the better end. "Okay", he said without anymore context. He grabbed a handful of cash from the coffee table, mostly five and ones with the occasional ten. He shoved the cash into his jean pocket and then did something very unexpected.
     Toby stared in awe at him. Not that he was ogling over him, but he just... He took his mask off. Masky gave him a puzzled look and Toby turned his head away. "Let's go", Masky said walking out ahead of him. Toby followed, his thoughts swirling as they went to retrieve food.
     His face... It looked so... Normal... It made no sense why he had covered it up. Though it seemed even more odd as to why he had taken it off. They made it seem like an unspoken rule to not take off their cover. Toby did it, but it didn't matter for him. They had seen his face since the beginning. Him though...
     "Hurry up", Masky called back. Toby didn't realize how slow he was walking compared to Masky. He tried to block anymore thoughts, but the occasionally one slipped by. It didn't hinder his pace as much though.
     The two arrived at a small rest stop which had a local farmer selling produce outside. Guess their was benefits to living away from the city. Privacy and locally grown food.
     They entered the building, a chime signaling their arrival. "Hello", a women said drearily behind the cashier. "Go pick some stuff out." Toby grabbed a basket and went off to the drink section. He grabbed a new jug of milk along with some water. As far as food went, he grabbed a bag of chips, pop tarts, and a box of granola bars. As much as he had been eating lately, he could hold off on this.
     He walked up to the counter, Masky right on his heels. He set the basket on the counter and the woman lazily scanned the items. "Add a pack of cigs too", Masky told her. She reached behind her grabbing some, and scanned them as well. "21.86", she said. Masky counted out the money and handed her twenty two. "Keep the change."
     Walking out the farmer had called to them. "Care to buy some fresh produce?" Masky looked at Toby and Toby nodded his head. He needed something healthy too right? They walked up to the stand and Toby picked out apples, oranges, and celery stalks. Masky paid for it and the farmer thanked them.
     On the way back Masky lit a cigarette and took a long drag. "Y-you smoke?" He shrugged, "Try not to, but it's a nice stress reliever." The conversation failed to progress any further. He didn't think Masky was one to stress, but I mean, he did kill for a living.
     When they got home the first thing Masky did was put his mask back on before Hoody saw him. Though Toby wouldn't be surprised if Hoody had already seen his face. Maybe it just made Hoody feel bad about himself. He didn't seem to have a face. Just a floating pair of eyes and a smile. Then again, Hoody seemed to happy to ever be self-conscience. Can't judge a book by it's cover...

A/n: here is another chapter for you lovelies! Sorry if this seems like a filler, but hey, I'm happy to be updating so frequently. And look at little Masky smoking. I remembered that he smoked and decided to add it in. Gotta keep the characters real man, lol. Hope you enjoyed reading and have a fantabulous day!

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now