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A few days had passed by and Toby was finally able to go home. He didn't imagine he would think this, but his time with Jack was actually pleasant... For the most part anyways. Walking the streets with no cop cars was quite relieving. He was still in the run for saving his mom.
Toby knocked on the door, instantly feeling odd for not just opening it. He heard feet rush to the door. Maybe they were excited to see him again. The door flung open, Toby jumping back startled. Hoody was speaking a hundred miles an hour while Masky waited patiently as if he hadn't rushed.
"H-hey guys", he said awkwardly trying to pass by. Hoody kept blocking him. "W-what's the d-deal?" He couldn't catch a word Hoody was saying. He tip-toed peeking past their shoulders. On the couch was a girl. She had long, brown, wavy hair, a green eye and a clock eye, and the ends of her mouth were stitched. They replaced you Toby.
For a moment he felt sadness, as if maybe he lost and were thought to be dead. He ran his hand through his hair, the thought of them actually replacing him. Then his sadness turned to bitter anger. He shoved pass the two and walked straight over to the girl. He stood, fist clenched white, not really sure what to say.
"Can I help you", she asked awkwardly. He turned back to Hoody and Masky, extending his arm back towards the woman. Masky had his usual blank expression, but Hoody looked worried. "C-care to explain m-my r-replacement?"
Hoody held out his hands shaking them. It was like he feared Toby, yet he had done nothing to deserve it. Masky spoke for him, "She's not a replacement. Just a newcomer. She'll be staying with us."
Toby sighed unclenching his fist. He ran a hand through his tousled hair and turned back towards the girl. He hadn't bothered to apologize for his bizarre behavior though. He looked at her, not bothering to give a warm greeting. "Toby", he said holding out his hand. She rolled her eyes, but accepted it. "Clockwork." He took tighter grip of her hand, Clockwork not having a reaction. "R-real name?"
She scoffed pulling her hand away. "If you must know, it's Natalie." She crossed her arms and looked away from him. At least he wouldn't be the only one to have a real name. Behind him, Hoody had a hopeful smile, seeing as they weren't at each other's throats.
"By the way", Masky interrupted, drawing attention away from the tension. "Tomorrow we have another mission. I'll fill you in on the details later." Toby nodded and headed to his
room. He didn't want to be around them anymore. Not while he was angry.
     Upon entering the room, he realized something different. There were two beds in the room. He turned around to see Hoody at the door. He gave a nervous laugh. Toby growled and shut the door on his face. He plopped down on the bed in the corner, sighing into the pillow. He noticed how comfy they were compared to the old ones. At least they put the money to good use.
     "Toby", he heard a voice at the door. "Toby!" His body was being violently shaken. He turned his head showing his opened eyes. The girl kneeled down,  her face closer then comfortable. He rolled over facing the wall. "Oh don't be such a bum." She sat at the foot of the bed crossing her arms. "W-what do y-you w-want?"
     Natalie shrugged. "I don't know, maybe to get to know each other. I mean we'll be living in the same house... Hell the same room." That was true. Guess it would be better to get to know each other.
     Trying to sound nice Toby spoke", So h-how d-did you g-get here?" She leaned back gazing at the ceiling. "Well let's see... Killed everyone in the mental institute, ran into a forest, bumped into that operator guy and bam!" She pulled up her jacket sleeve, dramatically revealing the circled x on her arm. He didn't have that. Did Masky and Hoody have it?
     "How about you?" Groggily, Toby sat up leaning on the head board. Suddenly his story sounded pathetic. Instead of killing people he tried to kill himself. She was bound to laugh at him.
     "W-well", he started. "Everyone I l-loved w-was dead o-or n-nearly dead, t-then I d-decided why not b-be d-dead too? S-saved b-by them t-two, t-then brought in f-front of the o-operator."
     She stared at him for a few moments before speaking again. "You sure to stutter a lot", she mumbled. Toby glared at her. He couldn't help it. "Nice scar", she said trying to cover up the insult. Not that that made it any better. "Anyways....", she said noticing him feeling uncomfortable. "Where's your mark?" She really wasn't helping the situation.
"D-don't have o-one", he mumbled. Maybe it was because he wasn't a killing machine. Maybe that's what he needed to be after all. No.... Jack was a proxy, not that he saw his mark. But how else would he be known as one. Maybe that was the point of the missions.
Natalie didn't say anything after that. She hopped off of his bed, turned off the light, and got into her own. "Goodnight Toby", she mumbled. "Night", he spoke into his pillow.
He couldn't get the best of reads off her. At first she seemed to be a teen with attitude. Now she was trying to please him by not saying anything offensive. If you considered that pleasing anyways. Tired of his thoughts, he cleared his mind and closed his eyes. He needed some sleep for tomorrow's mission... Whatever it was.

A/n: okay so maybe not keeping with schedule. I sincerely apologize. I just have so much to do in the afternoon, so I only have mornings to write... As well as sleep time. I don't have good news though. I have three new books I plan on writing, more then likely after this one. One of which you heard of; the graveyard book 2, and two others. One being an original character story, and the other an Ereri fic. Like I'm proud of this au idea for Ereri. I got the idea of it after today's ASL meeting (hint hint if you know what ASL is) anyways, hope you enjoyed reading and have a fantabulous day! ^_^

The Crime of Three [Ticci Toby : Masky : Hoodie: Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now