Unmasking the Smoke

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     Toby tossed and turned in his bed. Tonight would be a sleepless night. He hadn't had one for awhile now. Not since he arrived at this house with Masky and Hoody. Actually, that wasn't quite true. He had restless nights, just not as bad. He could say he needed a good sleep due to his enormous eye bags, but that would be a lie. He just wanted to forget things.
     What seemed like hours had passed, and Toby had finally drifted into a slumber. It wasn't any better though.
     His vision was obscured by the blackness, though he could tell this was a dream. It wasn't a nothingness. The feel of realness was what made it obvious to that fact. Slowly, a loud clacking noise made its way to him. Just when it seemed it wasn't getting any closer, feet stopped before his eyes. The shining shoes made the smoke around him apparent.
     A wave a deja vu hit him. He had felt this before. What was it though? He didn't have time to think. Something smooth and slender had wrapped around him. At first, it seemed gentle, as if gaining his trust, then it squeezed him. It was extremely tight whatever it was. He could feel the oxygen being forced out of him.
    Before he could slip under, the squeezing had stopped. He had dropped to the floor, not realizing he had been suspended in the air. Toby felt so confused. He attempted to say something, but his voice did not project.
     Something burned in his leg causing him to cry out silently. He gripped where he'd felt the pain, still confused as to what was going on. The pressure wasn't helping though. He lifted the pant leg to reveal a bloody X with a circle around it. He was filled with too much pain and confusion to realize what it even meant.
     The burning wound kept on oozing blood. Toby was now sitting in a pool of it. He began to feel woozy. He lifted his hand to his forehead falling onto his back. His vision was hazy as he looked up into the black, thick smoke.
     Something white had put itself right in front of his face. Was it a light? No, that wasn't a light, but what was it then? Suddenly the white object had stretched revealing a jagged, sharp opening. A face? A mouth? But there wasn't eyes or a nose.
    That voice... It was so head splitting... That was it! His eyes widened at his realization. He shot up, instinctively reaching for the face. As his hands went to be placed on it, he woke up.
     He blinked back into consciousness, a face gripped between his hands. "Toby, what the hell are you doing?!" The face pulled back, something light fluttering across his hands. Hair? Slowly he pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes hoping to get a better vision.
Leaning over him was Natalie. "W-whoa", he sputtered shocked. Quickly he pushed himself back, sitting straight against the headboard. Her face was that of a quizzical look. He shared the same confused look. "W-what d-did you s-say?" She thought for a moment. "You mean, What the hell are you doing?!"
Toby placed his palm against his face, cold sweat coating his forehead. He let out a sigh, coming to another realization. That was just a dream. The voice sounded so much like the Operator, but it said exactly what Natalie had said. Why was she sitting on top of him though?
"Dude, you okay? You were breathing rigidly and turning a lot." A small smile tugged at his face, a laugh following. "J-just a s-stupid dream..." His face soon lost its irony. Quickly he pulled his legs from under Natalie and rolled up both pant legs. Natalie slid back giving him his space. "Uh", she said awkwardly. Another sigh, but this one filled with disappointment.
"What's wrong?" He ran his fingers through his hair, his head leaning back against the wall. "O-oh nothing..." She rolled her eyes, "As if I believe that! What's wrong?" He didn't feel comfortable confiding in her, she'd just laugh. The only one he wanted to speak to was Masky. He was sensible enough to understand.
"You'll j-just laugh..." Natalie moved over, sitting next to Toby. She tried her best to convince him that she was sincere. "Toby, just because I act one way, doesn't mean I can't be another." Toby looked at her, still not feeling up to it. Judging her though, she'd be persistent and find out some how. "Alright", he begun.
After explaining what happened, she didn't laugh nor smile. She looked to be in thought. "Well Toby", she started. "Guess that means you'll be getting a mark soon... If it meant anything." Toby nodded. It was a dream, but then again, it seemed all too real. One question came to mind though.
"D-does it r-really hurt though?" Natalie laughed. It was a genuine one too. Not one of her sarcastic ones. "Guess that's up to you to find out." She crawled over Toby and got off the bed. "Now let's get going, you're sissy story has made me hungry." There was the Natalie he knew. He smiled to himself, getting up and following her out of the room.

A/n: so this is a short chapter, but it's something different. I really can't wait to write the ending out either. I have something really cool in store. There's probably going to be 4 chapters left, depending on how it all lays out. In the meantime, hoped you enjoyed reading and have a fantabulous day! ^_^

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