that fatal moment

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Its been several days now since the whole seras x pip thing went on. But ever since then alucard has been acting very weird around me.

Normaly he will yhrow a coment here and there or we will play fight. Or ill just shoot him in the head just for fun but my thoughtsbegan to trail off when I heard alucard and sir integra talking.

I peeked through the door and I was shocked at what I saw. alucard was leaning on a chair with a very concerned look on his face.
" I understand you position alucard but we cant allow that for her own safety."
" I can protect her master she is very important to me. I want her to be mine and only mine.. my only treasure....."
"Alucard that is a no besides she may not like you like that as far as I know she looks up to you.... it will be best for you to....."
" look if you try anything that will scare her away I will end your life my self.

I leaned down the wall. I put my hand over my mouth to keep quiet. Who could alucard love to the point where he Is gonna disrespect his master. Then it hit me he tried to kiss me before.. my face had begun to turn a dark shade of red.

I quickly looked to my right to see alucard getting up from his chair. Then his eyes locked with mine. The look on his face was evidence it was me that he loved. I shooked my head and quickly got up and ran. I could hear alucard chaseing behind me and calling my name. I quickly ran out the doors to see the one man I didnt want to see. It was that same priest who took me in so long ago...

His face was a worried one. I couldnt figure out why he had the look of fear and sorrow on his face. I looked down and saw three holy blades through my stomach. I turned and saw alucard with a very pained expression on his face.

I soon felt my body fall backwards. I reached my hand to alucard. My eyes became blurry with tears. I felt the cold snow hit my back as I lay motionless on the ground. I watched as my adoptive father and the man who loves me clash guns and swords.

After a while I felt someone kneel down beside me. He lifted my body up. I soon felt soft lips press against my own. It tasted like blood and sweat. I opened my eyes and saw alucard. He had only one arm and was covered with blood I could only smile weakly till everything faded to black.

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