finally an update

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Its been 2 weeks since everyone though I was dead. Though me and alucard have gotten along very well. Now a days he wont ever hardly leave my side. The only time I have privacy is when I use the restroom or sleep. And early morning.


Oh good morning seras! How are you?

Im doing good.

Hmmm seras seems to be in a really good mood today I wonder whats up. Before I could ask her she happily skipped out of the kitchen. Interesting.

I decided to make my way over to sir integras to see if there are any jobs that I could take.

Good morning sir integra. I said as I walked into the room.
Good morning Y/N, I assume your looking for a job to take. Good news is we have a vampire you can take down here is the information and be carefu--

I didnt hear the rest since I bolted out as fast as I could. I quickly grabbed my holy blade and ran out the door.

You guys are so easy to kill. I said alot as the once vampire vanished into thin air.

You guys are just no fun. As I said that I heard a smirk in the woods I was near. Sadly I knew who it was.

Come on out alucard.

See now your the one who's no fun alucard said with one of his signature smiles

Well at least I have class. I spoke back.

Though you dont have any class without something.

As I turned back to him I saw him kneeling down on the ground on one knee.

"Y/N you are my pride and joy in this world. I loved you from the moment our eyes locked. I never want to leave your side. I want you to always stay by mine. These past two years were amazing with you. I only ask one thing of you..

I was completely dumbfounded yet surprised. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was a love confession!--

Y/N will you be my no life queen?


AHHHH FINALLY UPDATED WOO HOOO!!!! So let me know what you guys think!! Do you want you and alucard to get married. Or do you guys want to wait either way theres gonna be so fluff going on between you two;) so let me know in the comments!!!!!!!!!!

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